

What is a good lead for a 3.5 essay?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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depends what the essay is about

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Q: What is a good lead for a 3.5 essay?
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A good research question should lead to a conclusion that answers the question by summarizing the main findings and insights obtained from the research. It should also discuss the implications of the research findings and possibly suggest directions for future research or applications of the study.

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your name, date, period, class, lead,body paragraphs,closing,good ending

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a very intelligent story related to it, it does not have to be true and use alot of vocabulary words and long.

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A good question upon which to base a research essay must not be answerable in a single sentence or paragraph and it must require investigation in order to answer It must also lead to a conclusion that is debatable.

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An anecdotal lead is when you begin an essay with a short story that is an example of the main point of your essay. For instance, if you were writing about ice skating, you might begin with a brief story about your first time on ice skates, then move into the main part of your essay.

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Lead: the opening sentences of a short article or the first paragraph or two of a longer essay

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A essay is writing begging, middle, and end.

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