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get 2 bendy filled ketchup bottle put them under toilet seat (on the part where the bump is) wwait to boss gose to toilet a slosh ketchup all over her9make sure shes a girl

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Q: What is a good prank to pull on your boss?
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Is it good to screw your boss?

If he screws you first its important to return the favor ;)

What if your boss is a good manager?

We expect bosses to be good managers; that's what they DO. The worst bosses are people who have neither good technical skills nor any management ability.

What is a good way to end a letter to your boss?

thankyou for your time sir or mam yours sincerely jimbob?

How do you write a letter to the boss about not attending training program?

You would want to be very polite, especially if the boss expects you to attend. Begin by apologizing for being unable to attend, and then give the boss good reasons why you cannot be there. Conclude by offering to make arrangements to attend at another time (you do not want the boss to think you are avoiding the training program; even if you think it's a waste of time, the boss wants you to be there, so you need to show a positive attitude about it). The boss may still be upset with you, but if you explain your situation and offer to attend at another time, it may not cause a problem for you at your job.

How can an employee refuse to follow orders even when their boss is the Chief Executive officer or Chief financial officer of the firm?

Unless the orders are unlawful, and most often they are not, it is not a good idea to refuse to follow orders from a boss, no matter what the position of the boss is in the company. It's called insubordination and can result in the employee being fired. If; however, you have reasons for not wanting to follow the orders that are valid to you, you could explain them to your boss and ask the boss to give the task to someone else. It would be up to the boss whether to do that, though. If you decide to outright refuse to follow your boss's orders, be prepared to find another job. Chances are high that you will need one.

Related questions

What is a good prank to pull on your teacher?

A fart machine in there desk

What is a good clean prank that you could pull to get back on the guys at church camp?

The good old bucket of water on the top of a door prank. :)

What is a good prank you could pull on your friend?

you can put jello in his shoes

What bad things can you do to your older brother?

pull a nice good prank

What is a good prank to pull when you are 11?

Whoopie Cushion is always a classic!

Did Michael Jackson dress in a gorilla costume and try to pull a prank?

no No there was a guy named Isaiah Michael Jackson who thought it would be a good idea to dress as a Gorilla and pull a prank by snactching a kid.

How do you pull a prank?

do something funny

What would be a prank to pull but not have it be mean?

=== ===

How can you get back at your dad?

pull a prank on him

What is a good prank to pull at school?

put glue in someones shoes or put pepper in someones sandwich

How do you pull a inside prank on your dad a good one?

U put water all over his head

What prank can I pull on my elementary school friends?

Pranks on schools are a bad idea that can only lead to no good.