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Q: What is a good sentence for genetic recombination?
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An example sentence using the word recombination in it?

The word "recombination" is a noun. An example of a sentence using the word would be: She understood that DNA recombination involved the exchange of genetic material.

Which process performs genetic recombination?

Genetic Recombination is the exchange of genetic information in order to increase the genetic diversity of the population. Probably only with bacteria.

Meiosis aids in evolution because it what?

Because of genetic recombination and this is done in three ways. The independent orientation of chromosomes at prometaphase, crossing over and the process of random fertilization all insure a good recombination of genetic material.

Which two processes result in variations that commonly influence the evolution of sexual reproducing species?

mutation and genetic recombination.

What are the 3 sources of genetic recombination?

Genetic recombination refers to the process by which two DNA molecules exchange genetic information. The three types of genetic recombination are crossing over, conservative site-specific recombination and transpositional recombination.

What is the rearranging of genetic instructions called?

The rearranging of genetic material is called recombination

What is the reshuffling of chromosomes during meiosis?

genetic recombination

What is Meiosis the basis for?

genetic recombination and formation of gametes

What is relationship between recombination frequency and genetic distance?

As genetic distance increases, the recombination frequency first increases in a linear fashion, but then levels off to a frequency of 0.5.

What is a source of genetic variation in organisms?

Human recombination is a significant source of genetic variation.

What is the advantage of genetic recombination as a mode of reproduction in bacteria?

greater genetic variation. (e2020 answer)

What is the definition of recombination of genetic material?

DNA recombination refers to the phenomenon whereby two parental strands of DNA are tied together resulting in an exchange of portions of their respective strands. DNA recombination results in the process leads to new molecules of DNA that contain a mix of genetic information from each parental strand. There are 3 main forms of genetic recombination. i. Homologous recombination ii. Site-specific recombination iii. Transposition