

What is a good weight training routine to work the arms?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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Doing both forward and backward arm circles with weights is a good workout routine. You can also just flex your arms with weights.

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Q: What is a good weight training routine to work the arms?
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/This answer will need to be improved/ Before puberty starts, weight training is terrible for your bones.

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I have searched for some good online sites for weight training and have found that the following website will help you lose weight fast:

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I would go to a local gym and speak with a trainer. Trainers are very helpful in the beginning to show you the proper techniques to weight training, they may also be able to supply you with information for supplements that will help you with your weight training. Good Luck!!

I'm looking for a good weight training video to use at home. I need to save time and continue to work out. Which one should I start with?

You should start with a weight training video from Cathe Friedrich's Pure Strength series. I've found those to be the best to begin with. I really enjoy the Firm Strength weight training videos. They help you tone everything from your arms to your core and your legs.