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i think he's taking a shower but i could be wrong

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Q: What is a green cheek conure doing when he dips his head into water?
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Do green cheeked conures eat bugs?

As far as i know a green cheek conure can eat pretty much anything (in moderation) but not avocado, chocolate, alcohol or caffeine. and it will need high quality pellets, fresh fruits and veggies, and clean water daily.

Can conures drink milk?

Yes conures can drink milk. Conures crave crackers, like cheese its or other types of crackers. All crackers contain milk. Cheese its are made of cheese. Cheese contains milk. My conure, Reathirs, loves cheese. Only feed a dieting conure food & water. Some conures have a certain diet to go on. Maybe your conure has a diet where it can only drink water & eat certain bird food or pellets. Mabye your conure is allergic to milk. If your conure DOES NOT have any allergic reactions or any diet you may feed it fresh cold milk. A water bottle cap full of milk is the maximum milk a conure should have a day. My conure also likes moist peanut butter. Only feed a conure a little morsel of peanut butter for your conures health.

What is jay Gatsby doing when nick first see's him?

Staring at a green light across the water

When the onion and cheek epithelial cells was placed in the distilled water?

eat cholate

How do you get rid of risen between your butt cheek?

Soap and hot water. LOTS of it.

My red eared slider turtle isn't eating what can i do?

Cheek it water it needs to be warm.

Where is the water green?

There is alot of green water in Belize it is beautiful.

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What would happen to a cheek cell if it was placed in a petri dish full of salt water?


Why does a cheek cell burst?

Osmosis is the movement of water by diffusion across a semi-permiable membrane. The student placed the cheek cells in water and when cells are placed in an environment of a high concentration of a particular substance, the cell practices osmosis where the water moves from a high concentration (the water on the slide), to a low concentration (the cheek cells) until they reach equilibrium. In this case, the process of osmosis did not cease as the cells were immersed in such a high concentration of water and it continued until the cell was so full that it burst. Unlike plant cells, cheek cells do not have a cell wall and their membrane is semi permeable, thus allowing water to travel through. The cell reacts to this water in almost a form of 'shock' and it tries to make the inner contents of itself, equal to its surroundings.

Why does a carrot turn green when soaked in green water?

Assuming you are talking about the leaves, it is because they have chlorophyll which is a green pigment.

Is a guinea pigs water bottle meant to be green?

If the color of the bottle is green it is okay. If the water is green you have a problem.