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Q: What is a group of animals that has a spine?
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What is classification of vertibrate animals?

The classification of vertibarte animals is those which have a central spine running down their backs. Animals in this group include ... us, humans are vertibrates and all o ther mammals. Invertibrates do not have a spine, and are animals such as Jellyfish, Corals and sponges.

What do you call a person or an animals backbone?

The Spine.

In quadruped animals the dorsal surface is the?

The spine.

What is the spine of DNA?

Doxyribose and phosphate group

What is meaning of vertebrates?

vetebrates are animals with a backbone. they are also warmblooded

What features do tuataras have that classify them as vertebrate animals?

They have a spine.

What animal is a vertebrate that has no back?

There are none. The meaning of, or the reason for, vertebrate classification is that all the animals placed under this group have a backbone/spine. While it may not look similar to the human back, it is a back nonetheless. Animals with no backbone are invertebrates

What animals are vertibrate?

Vertebrate animals are those that have a central spine surrounded by vertebrae. Humans are one of the animals in that family.

Do animal and humans have curved or straight spines?

Humans have a straight curved spine when most animals have a C curved spine.

How can you tell if the cheetah is a vertebrate or a invertebrate?

Cats are vertebrates because they have a spine. Vertebrates are animals that have backbones. An invertebrate is an animal that has no spine.

What is the name for the backbone parts?

The 'spine' or spinal vertebrae, animals with a 'backbone' or spine are called vertebrates.

Are snails and butterflies vertebrates animals?

Snails have a shell, but no spine. Butterflies have an exoskeleton, but no spine. The defining characteristic for all vertebrates is a spine, so neither snails or butterflies are vertebrates.