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Q: What is a group of people that practice yoga is called?
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Related questions

Where do people practice laughter yoga?

You can practice laughter yoga at home or somthing I don't really know!

How to get fat by yoga?

Yoga is a wonderful source of exercise. It is not advised to try to get fat by yoga. People who practice yoga find that they burn fat, not gain it.

Can you practice your yoga during your menstrual?

Yes, you can practice yoga during menstruation just as you can any other point in your cycle.Many people like to practice yoga during menstruation as it can be more spiritual when you're more focused on yourself during menstruation, also gentle exercise or stretching in yoga can ease cramps.

What are the top advantages of Yoga practice?

It is a combination of mind and body exercise. It helps relieve stress and best in relaxation.

How hard is yoga to practice?

You can find yoga information almost anywhere. On websites such as, you could as friends and even ask your doctor or your gym people. You can pretty much ask anyone for yoga fitness information.

Is yoga a pagan practice?

Yoga has nothing to do with any religious beliefs.

What religion practice yoga?

HinduismMany people of the Indian subcontinent practice spiritual disciplines designed to clear the mind and support a state of serene, detached awareness. This desired state of balance, purity, wisdom, and peacefulness of mind is described as sattvic.The practices for increasingsattvic qualities are known collectively as yoga. It means "yoke" or "union"--- referring to union with the true Self. The sages distinguished four basic types of people and developed yogic practices that are particularly suitable for each type, in order that each can attain the desired union with the Self. For meditative people, there is raja yoga, the path of mental concentration. For rational people, there is jnana yoga, the path of rational inquiry. For naturally active people, there is karma yoga, the path of right action. For emotional people, there is bhakti yoga, the path of devotion.Retrieved from Chapter 3 (Hinduism), Living Religions,Sixth Edition, by Mary Pat Fisher.

How is yoga practiced ny hindus?

Followers of Hinduism practice yoga to attain better health & mental status. Also they practice yoga to attain Moksha (liberation) .

How is yoga connected to Hinduism?

yoga is very deeply connected to Hinduism. Through yoga one can attain the highest level of awareness or Moksha (liberation).

How flexible can you get by doing yoga?

Just practice practice practice and you WILL become flexible.

What are the physical aspect of yoga?

Yoga as a daily exercise program can improve fitness, strength, and flexibility. People who practice yoga correctly every day report that it can promote high levels of overall health and energy.

When is the right time to practice yoga?

according to classical yoga ,the right time to practice yoga is early morning before the sunrise.approximately before 6.30 am. but learning yoga can be done at anytime.practicing should be done in morning to find the difference in you