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a taxon

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Q: What is a group or level of organization in taxonomy is called taxonomic category or?
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What is the classification system for living things?

Living things are classified using a system called taxonomy. Taxonomy categorizes organisms into groups based on shared characteristics, starting with broader categories like domain and ending with specific species. The classification system includes the categories of domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

The science of classifying living things is called?

It is called taxonomy.

Is the science of grouping and naming organisms based on similarities and differences?

Taxonomy is the science that specializes in the classification of organisms. The biggest taxonomic category is known as a kingdom.

What is a scientific study on how organisms are classified called?

Taxonomy is the study of how scientists classify organisms.

What is the definition of Taxonomy Key?

Taxonomic key is a systematic process used to identify living things and objects that are newly discovered or currently being studied. This method is also called as a dichotomous key.

What is another name for taxonomic category?

A taxonomic category is simply called a Taxon (Plural = Taxa). these are arranged in order of largeness as follows: Domain-Kingdom-Phylum-Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species-Subspecies. There may be some intermediate taxa like Subphylum, Superclass, Subclass, Superorder, Suborder, Subfamily, Subgenus etc.

What do you call the science of classifying living things?

The science is called Taxonomy.

Can you use taxonomy in a sentence?

In Biology the classification of living thins into groups is called taxonomy.

What is the practice of classifying organisms?

Taxonomy- branch of biology that groups and names organisms based on studies of their shared characteristics; biologists who study taxonomy are called taxonomists.

What is the science of classifiaction called?
