

What is a hanging drop preparation?

Updated: 6/9/2024
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16y ago

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Direct demonstration of V.cholerae is not recommended for general purposes. However, darting motility and its inhibition of specific antisera, especially after brief inoculation in broth, has proven valuable in experienced hands for presumptive diagnosis. The method is as follows: Prepare a hanging drop from alkaline peptone water which has been inoculated with faeces and incubated at 37oC for 4-6 hours. Examine it under high power dry lens of microscope. Darting motility characteristic of vibrios is suggestive of diagnosis.

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1d ago

A hanging drop preparation is a technique in microbiology where a small droplet of liquid containing microorganisms is suspended from an inverted coverslip on a microscope slide. This allows the organisms to remain in a moist environment while being observed under a microscope, providing a more natural way to study their characteristics and behaviors.

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14y ago

The Hanging Drop Procedure

The direct examination of live microorganisms can be extremely useful in determining size, and shape relationships, motility, and reactions to various chemicals or immune sera. Two methods are generally used for this type of study; hanging drop and wet mount. Both methods maintain the natural shape of microorganisms and reduce the distorted effects that can occur when specimens are dried and fixed. Because the majority of microorganisms are not too different in either color or refractive index from the fluid in which they are suspended, low light intensity is suggested (closed iris).

Purpose: To observe live culture motility using the Hanging Drop method.

To know the difference between true motility (vital movement) and

Brownian motion.

Materials: 24 hour (37oC) nutrient broth culture of Bacillus subtilis

3 day old culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( yeast suspension)

Microscope slides (concave), coverslips, washers (spacers)

Inoculating loop and Inoculating needle, Immersion oil Procedure: Hanging Drop See Diagram 6

    1. Aseptically transfer a loop full of yeast (Saccharomyces) suspension to the center of a new glass coverslip.
    2. Aseptically transfer a loop full of the Bacillusculture to the same glass coverslip. Together, they should make a small drop.
    3. Obtain a concave slide and place it face-up on the table in front of you. Place a yellow washer on the slide so that it surrounds the depression in the slide.
    4. Carefully flip the coverslip containing the microorganisms over and place it on top of the washer being careful not to let the culture drop touch the washer.
    5. Observe the edge of the drop with the iris closed down. You may go all the way to oil immersion magnification.
    6. Try to observe both bacteria and yeast. Look for motility (vital movement) as well as Brownian motion.
  • aashi....
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Q: What is a hanging drop preparation?
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What is the value of a hanging-drop preparation?

A hanging-drop preparation is used in microbiology to observe the motility of microorganisms. By placing a drop of liquid culture on a coverslip inverted over a concave slide, the microorganisms are suspended in a hanging drop of liquid, allowing for easy observation under a microscope.

What specimen preparation is best for viewing cell motility?

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What is the Motion of pseudomonas fluorescens in hanging drop preparation?

Should be flagellar motion since it has falgella

Aside from motility what facts learned from hanging drop preparation?

The hanging drop preparation allows observation of the shape, size, and arrangement of bacterial colonies in a 3D environment. It can also provide information on the presence of flagella for certain types of bacteria. Additionally, it can be used to assess the presence of gas production by observing gas bubbles in the drop over time.

Would you expect Brownian motion to increase the longer you observe a hanging drop preparation?

Just by the sheer fact that any vibration of any kind can be considered Brownian motion for a hanging drop test. the longer you observe your bacteria, the more chance there are of Brownian motion interfering with your motility test ( I assume you're talking about the motility hanging drop, right?). It is because of this fact that the hanging drop test is quickly falling out of favor for more secure tests for motility, the semi-solid media being one of them.

Would you expect Brownian motion to increase the longer you observe a hanging drop or wet mount preparation?

No, Brownian motion is a random movement of particles due to collisions with solvent molecules and is not influenced by the duration of observation. It occurs independently of time and its intensity remains constant regardless of how long you observe a hanging drop or wet mount preparation.

Does the hanging-drop technique have any practical value?

hanging drop tecnique have practical value

Does hanging drop technique have any practical value?

hanging drop tecnique have practical value

Purpose of the hanging drop.?

The hanging drop method is used in microbiology to grow and observe bacterial or yeast cultures. It involves suspending a drop of liquid culture from a coverslip over a depression slide. This setup allows for the observation of microbial growth in a controlled environment.

Why is petroleum jelly used in hanging drop method?

Petroleum jelly is used in the hanging drop method to create a barrier that prevents the sample drop from spreading out too much and allows it to hang down under the coverslip. This setup provides a controlled environment for observing microorganisms or cells under a microscope.

What advantages does hanging drop preparation have over a wet mount preparation?

Hanging drop preparation allows for observation of living, motile microorganisms in a more controlled environment due to the presence of a coverslip. This method also reduces the potential for distortion or compression of the cells compared to wet mounts, providing a clearer and more accurate view of cell morphology and movement.

What is the use of hanging drop?

Hanging drop preparations can be observed for a long time because they do not dry up very quickly. Thus, motility of an organisim can be observed.