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Q: What is a mutation in which the entire reading frame is shifted?
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When does a reading frame shift occur?

When a addition or deletion mutation occurs, changing the reading frame.

What is the type of mutation that shifts the reading frame of the genetic message by inserting or deleting a nucleotide?

A frame-shift mutation.

Which mutation would not change the remainder of the reading frame of a gene sequence that follows the mutation?

The answer is easy.

Latin phrase her edd oga tet at?

It's not Latin; it's an illustration of what happens when a reading frame is shifted during the translation of RNA into protein. RNA consists of strings of bases that are read three at a time by the protein-building machinery of the cell; each triplet of bases specifies a new amino acid to be added to the protein that's being constructed. Sometimes, through mutation, the reading frame becomes shifted, meaning that the bases are grouped differently and a different amino acid chain results. This can be illustrated as follows, using English words instead of RNA base triplets, and assuming a mutation that eliminates the first letter of the first word: usual reading frame: THE RED DOG ATE THE CAT shifted reading frame: HER EDD OGA TET HEC AT

What occurs when the reading frame of a gene has been altered?

Frameshift Mutation

What is the difference between a nonsense mutation and a missense mutation?

Missense mutation: changes one sense codon to another, resulting in incorporation of amino acid.Nonsense mutation: changes a sense codon into a stop (or nonsense) codon, resulting in premature termination.

Causes a shift in the reading codons by one base?

A deletion causing a frame shift mutation.

What is never a frameshift mutation?

Substitution is not ever a frame shift mutation. However, insertion, point mutation, and deletion are all examples of a frame shift mutation.

Which kind of mutation has greater potential to affect the evolution of a population Explain?

A frame-shift mutation has greater potential to affect the evolution of a population because it can alter the entire reading frame of a gene, leading to a non-functional protein. This can result in significant changes to an organism's phenotype, potentially affecting its survival and reproduction, and thereby influencing the population's evolution.

When a nitrogenous base is inserted or delete how does that affect the amino acid sequence?

The amino acid sequence is shifted, and this kind of mutation is called a frame shift mutation. All of the amino acid sequence after the mutation will be changed, which will cause a change in shape of the protein, which will then probably result in a nonfunctional protein, since the shape of a protein determines its function.

Why is point mutation dangerous?

A frame shift mutation destroys the correct sequence of amino acids from the point of the mutation. The protein produced by a frame shift mutation would more than likely be nonfunctional.

What type of mutation is responsible of new variations of a trait?

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