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The correct dosage of Suboxone is not the same for everyone; the dose is discovered as the result of a process which takes three days. It is performed under the supervision of the prescribing doctor and the authorized professional who administers the medication.

It will depend on several factors, one of which is determined by the amount of pain medication or opioid usage of the patient. In other words, the dose can and does vary greatly from each individual.

In my experience, I was asked to come into the office after not having any pain medication/narcotics for 12-18 hours; it had to be evident that I was indeed in the first stages of opioid withdrawal. When I arrived, I was achy all over, had chills, no energy, bad attitude and I felt like I might if I were coming down with a bad case of flu.

I was administered Subutex (which is the brand name for buprenorphine, sometimes called "bupe"-the 'u' is pronounced like "you"); a 2mg. tablet sublingually (dissolved slowly under the tongue).

It is a narcotic, but only a partial agonist (Heroin, Oxycontin, and most other opioid/narcotic pain meds. are agonists).

I waited 30 minutes and since I felt no relief from the withdrawal symptoms, I was administered another 2 mg. tab (same as above-sublingually). This process goes on until you feel better. This does not mean you "catch a buzz," but you feel better, more normal, like yourself but without the need for pain meds. You can go about your day as you would normally. You come in the next day and the same process is done until you feel better. I repeat-no buzz, but definite relief from withdrawal symptoms, which lasts 24 hours or more (or close).

Third day, repeat. At this point, some people choose to end their "detox." It is said that after the third day, one needs no more medication, if one is very determined NOT to take any narcotic medication. (They explained that it takes three days for the receptors in your brain (which crave the narcotic-hence-withdrawal symptoms), to be replaced by the new drug, buprenorphine).

It may take a few days to a couple of weeks to feel like yourself, but again, it depends on the individual.

The answer to your question is here: The number of milligrams of Subutex that was necessary to relieve your symptoms is then transferred to Suboxone; (which is buprenorphine mixed with Naloxone-in one tablet) this is called your maintenance dose.

At this stage, one may slowly decrease the dose of Suboxone and eventually cease from taking it at all. One is MUCH more comfortable and virtually no withdrawal symptoms!

[I chose to continue maintenance. For those of us who stopped taking any narcotics for a length of time (for example, months or more) but still crave pain meds, Suboxone is the answer to your prayer. I believe it is a gift to us from God.

Not only does it relieve any withdrawal, but over a short period of time, your cravings will be gone and you do, to some degree, benefit from slight pain relief without the temptation to take anything more (too much just gives you a headache with no pain relief). Over time, I have taken from 2 mg. a day to 8 mg. a day and I feel better with 4 mg. in the morning with 2mg. in in the evening, but have forgotten to take the 2 mg. dose frequently.

I know of some who take much, much more and some who take considerable less with the same end results for each person.]

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15y ago

Dosage is an issue that would be determined by your physician. We cannot provide medical information of that kind because of potential liability issues.

We suggest that you read thoroughly the information at the site below, and discuss dosage and administration with your professional advisor.

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10y ago

Standard dosing is usually between 4 and 24 mg a day, but as with any type medication it is imperative to consult your doctor for these type questions. Suboxone is not a quick fix for opioid addiction; it should only be taken under the care of a certified physician and should be part of encompassing treatment plan.

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14y ago

Eight to sixteen milligrams (one to two 8-mgs pills) is considered the standard dose.

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14y ago

Suboxone is used to treat opiate addiction and the person you should ask is your doctor.

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I can answer this question from personal experience. I'm a struggling recovering opiate addict and am now prescribed to Suboxone. I'm prescribed 4mg in the morning and 4mg in the early evening, so 8mg a day. I know that if I wait for 24 hours after taking my last dose of Suboxone I can feel about 60%-70% of the oxy. If I continue to do them, the amount that I am able to feel it goes up. After the third day of being off my Suboxone I can finally feel the oxy 100%.

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I take 1mg or two of kolonopin, with 10mg of lexapro with 4-8mgs of suboxone. it works great for me, but you'll have to be very careful not to exceed more than 3mgkolonopin or a high dose of suboxone such as 16-24mg.