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A part-nation state is a state where one or more distinct nations exist within its borders. These nations may have their own unique cultural, linguistic, or ethnic characteristics that differentiate them from the larger state. Examples include the Kurdish people in Iraq and the Basque people in Spain.

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Q: What is a part nation state?
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Switzerland is considered a nation state. It is a country with a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. Switzerland is not a stateless nation, part-nation state, or multinational state.

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Delaware was the first state to be part of the US. If you mean nation state as in countries, San Marino was the first.

What is part of the definition of a nation-state?

Nation-state :a sovereign state; citizens or subjects seem relatively homogeneous in language or common descent.

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A nation is a single culture that is bound to a single belief system and government. For the most part they share the same ideas. A state is a tiny part of the nation that is also bonded together in a specific way.

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The United States is separated into States. So is Australia. Canada has Provinces. A Nation is a State in itself. A State may or not be part of a Nation. I live in UK, the State is that of Great Britain.

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Georgia is not part of a state, it isa state.

What is a nation state in?

The USA is not a nation state but rather is a Union, a nation state derives political legitimacy from the fact that it is a sovereign entity that is part of the country. A good example of a nation state is Japan. The Union system used by the USA is where the states remain under the entire country.

Is Pearl Harbor considered a nation?

No it is not, it is part of Hawaii which is a U.S. State

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The capital of California is Sacramento. California is a state not a nation. It is part of the United States of America.

Can the us be considered a nation-state?

The USA is not a nation state but rather is a Union, a nation state derives political legitimacy from the fact that it is a sovereign entity that is part of the country. A good example of a nation state is Japan. The Union system used by the USA is where the states remain under the entire country.

Why Philippines is a state?

The Philippines is a "state" in that "state" is a synonym for "nation" and "country". It is an "autonomous state". It is not a "state" as in a "state" that is part of the "United States of America". It is, again an autonomous state that is self run and not part of an amalgamation of states.