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A presentation pointer is a light (usually red) that you use so you don't have to touch the object the presentation is protuding of off.

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Q: What is a presentation pointer in a computer program?
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The 1984 presentation program called Presentation was compatible only with Mac OS.The program for conducting psychological experiments called Presentation is compatible only with Windows.

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You will lose control of the program, and the computer will probably crash.

Your mouse pointer shows busy icon and it flickers how can you solve your problem?

This problem can be solved by waiting for the computer to finish executing the program. If it persists, it is usually due the program crashed, and the mouse pointer can be restored by terminating the program using Task Manager.

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Synonym for Instruction Pointer.

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Where can someone get a laser pointer?

If you have a cat, you know how fun laser pointers can be. If you need a laser pointer for other things such as a power point presentation, Amazon sells them in packs.

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What can you activate by using menu by placing the pointer over an object and clicking the right mouse button on a computer?

By placing the pointer of your computer over an object and clicking the right ouse button, you will be offered a menu that allows you to perform specific functions within the program. This menu that pops up is called a shortcut menu.

What is the difference between stack pointer and program counter?

The stack pointer keeps track of the top of the stack used by the current thread. The program counter keeps track of the next instruction in a program. Both are registers and both store a memory address.