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it is a medical test that can tell a doctor how much of your lungs are filling with air when you breathe.

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A lung ventilation scan measures the ability of the lungs to take in air and uses radiopharmaceuticals to produce a picture of how air is distributed in the lungs

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Q: What is a radionuclide ventilation scan?
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Nuclear medicine scan?

For most nuclear imaging studies, radionuclide is injected into the patient and the images are taken with a gamma camera suspended above the patient who will be lying on a table. The camera detects the gamma rays emitted from the radionuclide in the patient's body and uses this information to produce an image that shows the distribution of the radionuclide within the body. The image is recorded on film and is called a radionuclide scan.

By what other names are lung perfusion scans and lung ventilation scans referred?

perfusion lung scan, aerosol lung scan, radionucleotide ventilation lung scan, ventilation lung scan, xenon lung scan, ventilation/perfusion scanning (VPS), pulmonary scintiphotography, or, most commonly, V/Q scan

What does the v in VQ scan stand for?


Radioactive material is injected or inhaled and images are recorded?

"Lung Scan V/Q"ventilation perfusion scan radioactive test of lung ventilation and blood perfusion throughout the lung capillaries (Lung Scan)

What is V P scan?

ventilation-perfusion lung scan (for detecting pulmonary embolism ed)

What is V-P scan?

ventilation-perfusion lung scan (for detecting pulmonary embolism ed)

What does the medical abbreviation V-P scan mean?

A V-P scan is a ventilation/perfusion scan. Sometimes it's called a V/Q scan as well. It is a radiology study to check how well air is getting into the lungs (ventilation) and how well blood is getting to the lungs (perfusion).

What are radionuclide bone scans?

Radionuclide bone scans. These scans involve injecting a small amount of radioactive material into a vein. Primary tumors or cells that have metastasized absorb the radioactive material and show up as dark spots on the scan.

What is a gallium?

A gallium scan of the body is a nuclear medicine test that is conducted using a camera that detects gallium, a form of radionuclide, or radioactive chemical substance.

What is an abnormal result of a lung ventilation scan?

absence of marker material when the lung perfusion scan for the area is normal suggests lung disease

What is a liver-spleen scan?

A specialized liver scan used to assess blood flow is frequently used. It may be referred to as a radionuclide blood pool or volume study, a labeled red cell scintigram, or some combination of these terms. This test is called a liver-spleen scan

Which imaging system combines tomography with radionuclide tracers to produce enhanced images of selected body organs of areas?

positron-emission tomography(PET Scan)