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Q: What is a ratification power?
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Ratification of amendments to the Constitution is a power of the?

Ratification of amendments to the Constitution is a power of the?

What basic arguments did the federalist use to support ratification?

to have one big power and little groups of power

What are the powers of the non-legislative?

- the power to choose the president - the removal power - the confirmation power - ratification power - amendment power Congress has the power to try and impeach a president by vote.

What special power is delegated only to the senate?

Ratification of all treaties and presidential appointments.

What is a special power only delegated to the senate?

Ratification of all treaties and presidential appointments.

What is a special power delegated only to senate is?

Ratification of all treaties and presidential appointments.

How did the Philadelphia convention delegates ensure ratification of the constitution?

The delegates of the Constitutional Convention added the Bill of Rights to the Constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists to ensure ratification. This limited the power of the federal government and solidified power for the states.

The Anti-Federalists opposed ratification of the U.S. Constitution because they?

The Anti-Federalists opposed ratification of the U.S. Constitution because they were against increasing the power of the national government.

Where in the constitution is the ratification of power described?

in the third article next to the impeachment on edward and a couple of my favorite vampires

What reasons did the federalist give to defend their views on the ratification?

There were a number of reasons that the Federalists gave to defend their views on the ratification. The mainly supported as strong central government and state governments that did not have too much power.

Why does Patrick Henry oppose ratification?

Patrick Henry opposed ratification because he felt it gave the federal government too much power. Patrick Henry also felt the Constitution did not protect individual rights.

Ratification of amendments to the Constitution is a power of who?

2/3 of the states must ratify an amendment before it becomes law.