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They are named the red belly snake because they have a brown to grey patterned top skin and the belly area is actually a deep red color. They have a smaller head and a narrow neck and they are considered small in comparison to other types of snakes. They can be 15 to 30 inches in length.

The red belly snake lives in North America and it is one type of snake that has adapted to cooler temperatures.

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The East coast of Australia, mainly around marshlands.

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What do baby red belly racer snakes eat?

Small insects.

Do red belly black snakes climb?

Generally, no. Red belly black snakes have been observed climbing to catch prey, especially frogs, but it is fairly rare. Most of the time, they prey on ground-dwelling animals.

What red belly black snakes drink?

Red bellied black snakes drink water, like all snakes do.

Does the red belly black snake have a exoskeleton?

no, only invertibrate do.

What eats sowbugs?

Jerusalem cricket, and red belly snakes. just some of the things that eat sowbugs.

How and where does the red belly piranha make its home?

dont no

How far from a mother will the red belly black snake go?

As far as it wants to ! Snakes do not exhibit maternal instincts. The young snakes are totally independent from the moment they arrive.

Is it true red bellied black snakes have a red stripe on their sides only not underneath?

No. The red-bellied black snake is essentially black on its top and sides. Its belly is a pinkish-red colour, brighter on the edges of the belly. It does not have a red stripe on its sides.For a photograph of the red bellied black snake, click on the related link.

What does a red belly woodpecker eats?

Known predators of the Red Bellied Woodpecker include house cats, black red snakes, and birds of prey. This includes birds Such as different varieties of hawks.

Are snakes red?

There are snakes that have a mostly red coloration, but most snakes are not red.