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Many employers require employees to log out completely of their systems when ending the work day. If this requirement is not met, an employer may ask you to write down why you did not complete this task. Two examples for not logging out include: forgetting and an emergency coming up.

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Q: What is a sample of excuse letter for not logging out of an employer computer network?
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If you are sick you should write an excuse letter for your employer. The letter should include a copy of the note from the doctor and the time you will be absent from work.

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While it may explain why you're late for work, it would not be a very wise excuse to give to your employer for a few reasons.1) Admitting you broke the law to your employer. Regardless of the governments innocent until proven guilty, telling your employer you were pulled over suggests you violated the law.2) Punctuality & Time Management, Your employer is going to assume you're lacking in both these departments. One because you're late, the other assumes you were speeding to get to work on time or in such a rush as to disregard the law.3) Not a good excuse in general. Being stopped by the police doesn't negate your basic responsibilities to your employer, such as clocking in on time.

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please excuse my dog for being eaten by a monkey. i hope it is ok for you to eat breakfast and never leave the house for a month. maybe my dog hasn't recover yet. so you may now kiss the bride.

How do you spell escuse me?

excuse me there that's not hard

What does computers have to do with science?

excuse me, Science is not a subject, its a research. computer science means research in computer field thats y we call it computer science. and yes exactly, you are right. it has no heart and brain.

Can employee be punished for sleeping due to prescribed medication?

Certainly. An employer has ZERO duty to allow your meds as an excuse for failing to perform as required, whether you tell the boss of the drugs or not.

If called for jury duty are you suppose to go work?

No. Show your jury summons to your employer. By law they must excuse you from work to appear in answer to the summons. Report to court at the time and date specified.

What part of speech is excuse?

Excuse can be a noun or a verb. Verb: to excuse Noun: an excuse

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Excellent, as a computer game Stronghold. I am not literate Russian, excuse my English.