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It's when a powerful nation makes other nations do what it wants.

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Q: What is a simple definition of imperialism for children?
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Food is what you eat.

What is the definition for imperialism?

You could find the definition more quickly if you googled the word. You would not have to wait for an answer, and the result would be more dependable.

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your science in simple defenition in when you

Would all of the African nations becoming colonies of Europe be considered imperialism?

Exactly; this is the definition of imperialism. Imperialism is the forming of any empire, and when European countries conquered nearly all of Africa, this was the Second Age of Imperialism for Europe. During the same time, Europeans conquered most of Asia and Oceania.

What is liberal imperialism?

Historically, liberal imperialism figured the colonized as backward children who had to be properly educated to enjoy eventually, property, individual rights, and citizenship. The trick of liberal imperialism is that it promises freedom and delivers subordination.

What is the key similarity of imperialism between India and Africa?

they all eats Children

Simple predicte definition?

Are you referring to the definition to be simple or the definition of "simple predicate"? Anyway, I'm thinking that you mean the former. A simple predicate is the word that shows what is happening. In the before sentence, is is the simple predicate. "is the word that shows what is happening" is the whole predicate. A verb will not always be the simple predicate, and simple predicates will not always be 1 word.

What is the simple definition of temperature?

a simple definition of tempersture is the measure of how fast particles in an object are moving or the measure of how hot an object is

What is definition of chemistry eas and simple?

The definition of chemistry easy is the study of elements, laws of combination and behavior. The definition of simple is having only one thing or element to do.

What is a simple definition of water?
