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Hemochromatosis is a commonly inherited disorder where the body does not deal with iron properly. It doesn't necessarily mean that you produce too much iron, just that it is improperly stored in the body tissues, especially the liver. It is possible to be anemic and have hemochromatosis!

Being homozygous for the gene means you have probably inherited it, although your parents may or may not have had it. It would be a good idea if any of your siblings were also tested as there is a very high chance they may have inherited it as well.

If left untreated it can cause all manner of diseases as the organs are slowly damaged by the excess stored iron. Many people have this disorder but don't know they do. They may, however have various heart, liver, or pancreatic problems to name but a few. The treatment is usually by venesection, which simply means blood is taken from you which forces some of the stored iron to be released, thus reducing the level in the liver. It is well worth persevering with this treatment as it is a lifesaver.

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