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I don't know, I am doing homework for my 12 year old daughter now.... I had the same exact question. I have never heard of this before!

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Q: What is a subject complement in the sentence Painting is one of the oldest arts?
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Related questions

Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes what is each word?

The parts of speech for each word in the sentence are:catching: gerund, part of noun phrase which is the subject of the sentence;fish: noun, part of noun phrase which is subject of the sentence;is: verb (linking verb);one: indefinite pronoun, object of the linking verb, a subject complement;of: preposition, connects the object of the preposition 'pastimes' to the subject complement 'one';the: definite article introducing the noun 'pastimes';oldest: adjective, describing the noun 'pastimes';pastimes: noun, object of the preposition 'of'.

Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes identified the parts of speech?

The word 'fish' is a noun, a word for a thing (things).In the example sentence, the noun fish is part of the noun phrase 'catching fish', which is the subject of the sentence.

What oldest artwork?

a block patterned painting in a home near Syria, its the oldest wall painting ever.

What is the simple subject of this sentence the oldest known Valentine's Day card dates from1415?

The simple subject is "card".

Zia Concetta is the oldest person in Barletta What is the verb in the sentence?

The verb in the sentence is "is," which is a form of the linking verb "to be" connecting the subject "Zia Concetta" with the predicate "the oldest person in Barletta."

How do you use oldest in a sentence?

Oldest can be used as a superlative adjective to describe the age or seniority of someone or something. For example, "She is the oldest sibling in her family" or "This is the oldest building in the city."

Catching fish is one of the oldest pastime is this a noun?

Yes, fish in this sentence is a noun.In the example sentence, the noun fish is part of the noun phrase 'catching fish', which is the subject of the sentence.


chauvet cave paintings

What came first painting or sculpture?

It has long been believed that the oldest specimens of sculpture found, are older than any paintings. However, the latest discoveries in cave painting seems to make the oldest paintings and the oldest sculptures rather similar in age.

Where is the conjunction in this sentence Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes?

There is no conjunction in the sentence, "Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes."

Is the word he's singular or possessive?

The word he's is a contraction of two words: 'he is'. The pronoun 'he' is the singular pronoun that takes the place of a noun for a male as the subject of a sentence or clause. The word 'is' is the third person, singular present of the verb 'to be'. The contraction he's functions as the subject and verb(or auxiliary verb) of a sentence or a clause. Example:He is my oldest brother. Or, He's my oldest brother.

Is the word he's singular possessive?

The word he's is a contraction of two words: 'he is'. The pronoun 'he' is the singular pronoun that takes the place of a noun for a male as the subject of a sentence or clause. The word 'is' is the third person, singular present of the verb 'to be'. The contraction he's functions as the subject and verb(or auxiliary verb) of a sentence or a clause. Example:He is my oldest brother. Or, He's my oldest brother.