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According to Douglas McGregor, theory X explains workplace behavior where managers assume employees are inherently lazy and not motivated to work. In addition, managers must closely monitor employees to maintain workplace production standards.

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1mo ago

Theory X assumption is a management theory that suggests employees are inherently lazy, unambitious, and dislike work. This assumption leads to a management style that is characterized by tight control, close supervision, and a reliance on external motivation to get work done.

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Q: What is a theory x assumption?
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What is theory X theory Y?

Theory X and Theory Y are two contrasting management theories proposed by Douglas McGregor in the 1960s. Theory X assumes that employees are inherently lazy and need to be closely controlled and directed. Theory Y, on the other hand, assumes that employees are self-motivated and can be trusted to take initiative and responsibility in their work.

What are the limitations of theory x and y?

Some limitations of Theory X are that it can lead to micromanagement, lack of trust, and low morale among employees. Theory Y may not be effective in all situations, as it relies on the assumption that all employees are self-motivated and enjoy work, which may not always be the case. Both theories can oversimplify human behavior and fail to account for individual differences in motivation and work preferences.

What is the underlying assumption shared by instinct theory and evolutionary theory?

The underlying assumption shared by instinct theory and evolutionary theory is that behavior is influenced by biological factors. Both theories suggest that behavior is innate and has evolved over time to help individuals survive and reproduce in their environments.

What is a theory versus an assumption?

A theory is a well-supported explanation based on evidence and research that helps to explain a phenomenon. An assumption, on the other hand, is a belief or idea that is accepted as true without proof or evidence to support it. The main difference is that a theory is backed by evidence and research, whereas an assumption lacks this support.

What is theory x and theory Y in maslow hierarchy of needs?

Theory X and Theory Y are two contrasting managerial styles proposed by Douglas McGregor in relation to employees' motivation. Theory X assumes that employees are inherently lazy and require close supervision, while Theory Y posits that employees are self-motivated and can thrive in a supportive environment. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, on the other hand, is a psychological theory that outlines human needs in a hierarchical order, ranging from basic physiological needs to self-actualization.

Related questions

Which of the following is a Theory X assumption?

The assumptions of a Theory X worker is that they are;lazydislike responsibilityresistant to changelack ambition

Discuss the assumption of Douglas Mc Gregor?

Douglas Mc Gregor's assumption is base upon theory X and theory Y. Theory X xplains those people who don't like to work, try to escape from work as much as possible. on the other hand theory Y xplains those, who worship their work and enjoy 2 work.

What are the applications for MC Gregory's x and y theory?

douglas Mc Gregor's ideas about the assumption that in managing other were explored . these assumption McGregor referred to as theory X and theory Y IN THEORY X manager believe that their employees are basically lazy , need constant supervision and direction and that are indifferent to organization need IN THEORY Y manager believe that workers enjoy their work , are self - motivated , that are willing to work hard to meet person and organization goals BY at TANZANIA

Compare the assumptions Theory X makes about workers with those of Theory Y How do these different assumptions influence management styles?

The assumption that Theory X and Theory Y about workers influences management styles. The assumptions of these two theories differ from employee motivation as well as satisfying employees' needs.

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Which theory of congressional behavior is based on the assumption that members want to get reelected?

Ambition Theory.

An assumption based on limited information or knowledge?


What is different between theory and a hypothisis?

Hypothesis is an assumption. If approved by scientific methods, they can become theories. Therefore, hypothesis is under theory - hypothesis is usually a mathematic assumption.

What is an assumption based on prior experience?

An assumption based on prior experience is officially known as inductive reasoning.

What are assumption for?

Synonyms for assumption include, statement, hypothesis, guess, supposition, postulation, conjecture, theory, notion, belief, idea. !

Is an educated assumption to be proven?

Nope, educated assumptions are more of a theoretical answer to a question, since theory cannot be proven wrong given the conditions put forth before the theory is stated, same with the educated assumption, what can be proven wrong is the conditions given prior to the assumption

4 Discuss the assumption of Douglas Mc Gregor Theory X and Theory Y?

x assumes employees are unmotivated etc and have to be handled with severity like prison inmates Y assumes employees want to be productive, helpful and creative and can be managed to maximize these efforts. A theory X manager will soon beat the motivation out of a theory Y worker, thus proving to himself that X was right all along. A theory Y manager will eventually figure out that a theory X worker believes people are unmotivated because the worker himself is unmotivated. Thus, it is better for work teams to be all X or all Y. Given that, the Y teams will out produce the X teams.