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Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, there is no such thing as a "typical" click to impressions ratio (CTR - Click Through Rate) for Google AdWords.

Every single keyword, adgroup & campaign is different for a whole range of reasons, so it's impossible to declare a number definitively.

However, as an alternative answer, consider that in Google AdWords early days, they used to enforce the rule that if your CTR was not 0.5% or HIGHER by the time you had had 1000 ad impressions, they would disable your keyword.

While they no longer enforce that specific rule (nowadays things are much more complex), you could consider that as an idea of what MIGHT be considered a minimum ratio worth having in Google's eyes.

Also, your CTR could be 0.01% (for example), but if you still made sales and achieved a positive ROI, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Higher IS better for a variety of reasons, but low is not always a bad thing.

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