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If a member of government from the Senate or HoR approves something, they will give it their vote

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Ratification is a good one.

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Q: What is a word for the approval by a formal vote?
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American Revolution What is another word for formal approval?

TO endorse

What was The formal approval of the constitution by the states?


Formal approval for the constitution was called what?

ratification of coarse

What does approval by acclamation mean?

Approval by acclamation refers to a situation where a decision or nomination is made unanimously and enthusiastically in favor by a group, often through cheers, applause, or verbal agreement, without the need for a formal vote. It is a way of showing strong support and agreement amongst the members of the group.

What's the difference between formal approval and approved in principal?

After all approve you can call approval.... Approved is to confirm

What does the word vote mean like from the word devoted?

The word "vote" comes from the Latin word "votum," meaning a vow or promise made to a deity. It evolved to signify a formal expression of opinion or choice in a decision-making process, particularly in democratic contexts.

A vote of cloture requires approval by how many senators?


What is The process of submitting to a direct vote of the citizens for approval rejection?

When an issue is submitted for direct approval or rejection by the citizens via a vote, it's referred to as a referendum. It deals with a particular proposal.

The process of submitting to a direct vote of the citizens for approval or rejection is a what?

When an issue is submitted for direct approval or rejection by the citizens via a vote, it's referred to as a referendum. It deals with a particular proposal.

What is the process submitting to a direct vote of the citizens for approval or rejection?

When an issue is submitted for direct approval or rejection by the citizens via a vote, it's referred to as a referendum. It deals with a particular proposal.

what is The process of submitting to direct vote of the citizens for approval or rejection?

When an issue is submitted for direct approval or rejection by the citizens via a vote, it's referred to as a referendum. It deals with a particular proposal.

The process of submitting to a direct vote of the citizens for approval of rejection?

The US Constitution provides for a process of submitting a direct vote of the citizens for a approval or rejection. This process is called a referendum.