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gulab jamun is sweetest sweet

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Q: What is an example of a comparative sentence?
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Example of 3 degrees of comparison in a sentence?

To compare things we use " DEGREES OF COMPARISON. " there are 3 types of degrees, they are -: POSITIVE DEGREE , COMPARATIVE DEGREE and SUPERLATIVE DEGREE. for example -: he is as tall as his friend. [ positive sentence ] she is smarter than her friend. [ comparative sentence ] this is the tallest building in the town . [ superlative sentence ]

What is the comparative of young?

Young, younger, the youngest.

What is an example of a comparative?

comparative degree of amiable

How do you use kinder in a sentence?

The word kinder is the comparative form of the adjective kind. Example sentence: It's much kinder to say nothing when your friend is not looking their best.

Is this sentence comparative or superlative I live closer to the school than you do?

That sentence is comparative. It's comparing one location of something to another.

Can you put comparative advantage in a sentence?

One sentence that uses "comparative advantage" in a sentence is, "A small business has a comparative advantage." The phrase pertains to the capability of a company to produces goods and services which are lower in cost compared to other companies.

Can you make me a sentence using the word comparative?

A Geo is not comparative to a Cadillac in price or style.

What is a sentence for comparative?

She is taller than her sister, making her the comparative sibling in terms of height.

How can the word comparative anatomy be used in a sentence?

You just used it in a sentence.

Can you give me a sentence with the word comparative advantage?

i have a comparative advantage in sports when i play with the other girls

What is a sentence using the quicker?

The word 'quicker' is the comparative form of the adjective 'quick' (quicker, quickest). Example sentence: The quicker bird grabbed the bread crust while the other squawked in protest.

Some of the groceries are more expensive each week.?

This sentence is a comparative sentence.