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A good confession involves an examination of conscience where the penitent thinks of his or her actions, lack of action, thoughts, and feelings. This examination of conscience should lead to contrition (being genuinely sorry), and a amendment of resolve (trying to do better). Then the person should go to the priest in confession. Begin by saying, "Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been (state amount of time) since my last confession. Then list your sins. The priest may ask you questions about these or you may volunteer more information if you think it is helpful. The priest will give you a penance. (Usually some prayers or things to think about) Then say an act of contrition. Sometimes these are posted in the reconciliation room or confessional, but if you don't know it by heart feel free to bring one on a piece of paper. The priest will give absolution. Make the sign of the cross. He will them say, "Go in peace" Respond saying "Thanks be to God". After confession do your penance and try your best to not repeat the sin. Remember that the most important thing is in the trying, not in the succeeding.

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