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Q: What is an example of individualism and influence on liberal democracy?
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What is Liberal democracy?

liberal concept of democracy

When was Liberal Democracy - France - created?

Liberal Democracy - France - was created in 1998.

When was Young Liberal Democracy created?

Young Liberal Democracy was created on 1991-02-01.

What is a liberal democracy?

What America is becoming!

Definition of liberal democracy?

Liberal democracy is a form of government in which representative democracy operates under the principles of liberalism, i.e. protecting the rights of the individual, which are generally enshrined in law.

Are there different types of liberal democracy?

Yes, there are different types of liberal democracy, such as procedural democracy, participatory democracy, and deliberative democracy. These models vary in their emphasis on different aspects of democratic governance, such as decision-making processes and citizen involvement.

Type of democracy?

liberal democracy. Democracy altogether. socialist democracy. Democracy elite. A pluralist democracy.

What does a liberal democracy do?

A liberal democracy is a government in which people vote for politicians and those politicians are restrained by rights given to the people and by the rule of law.

Is United States government liberal?

No! Its a democracy!

Is rizal the pioneer exponent of liberal democracy in Asia?

Yes, Rizal was the pioneer of this movement in Asia. He worked to bring liberal democracy to the area for all of the people.

Why are divisions unavoidable in a democracy?

This is incorrect. You can have a non-divided democracy, it is simply very unlikely that such will occur. The country that has come the closest to this is Japan, which has effectively had one-party rule since liberal democracy was introduced in 1945 because of the cultural preference for "harmony" and "non-dissent".The reason why it is practically impossible for Western democracies to be non-divided is that Western society promotes individualism and individualism makes people seek to promote their own benefits. This leads to political parties where different groups with different desires and schema for improving society come into existence. The contests between political parties make the very divisions common to Western democracy,

Can you use the word democracy in a sentence?

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