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The Christian migrants who treated badly the people of the Americas and Australia

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Q: What is an example of terrorism of religion in the world?
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What religious groups have been involved in terrorism?

No religion, whatsoever, encourages terrorism. Believers of any religion may have among them those who for any reason, religious or political or social, get involved in terrorism.

Why didn't each religion get along?


What are some organization of Islamic terrorism and their story?

There is no what so called Islamic terrorism. Terrorism is something related to person but never related to Islam religion or any other religion. No religion, what so ever calls for terrorism. Attaching terrorism to Islam religion is a media propaganda and fabrication to allow politician to enforce their own political Agendas in Islamic countries and to try to limit the spread and inherent power of Islam. Refer to related questions below for more information.

How is Islam ranked among the worlds major religions?

It is the second largest religion in the world. But most people associate it with terrorism unfortunately

What are some benefits to society from religion?

i believe that organized religion provides no decency in society. attacks of terrorism are said to be carried out in favor of religion. children are molested by priests, who are bound by rules of religion. i truly believe that a world without organized religion would be a better one.

Are All world nations are allies of the US?

No, the United States is the worlds largest front runner against terrorism, therefor, the middle eastern countries that support terrorism are not U.S. Allies. This is just one example.

What is an example of international terrorism?

The example of internatinal terrorisimis man has become affraid and suspects a every stranger. The main reason is after the world trade centre attack in the U.s.a.

Man made disasters - terrorism?

terrorism is spreading all over the world

What are the three problems that Obama thinks the US has?

Economy, Regain Stature of US in World as leader and example of free democracy, Terrorism

How did Islamic terrorism begin Is it true that western countries started first by invasions?

There is nothing such as Islamic Terrorism, just there is nothing such as Christian Terrorism.Terrorism has no religion at all.

Does religion provoke terrorism or does it contribute to stopping it?

Religion doesn't promote terrorism as a general rule. It is the misuse and twisting of religion by fanatics and radicals that provokes terrorism. When this happens, religion becomes a sort of umbrella under which some people can feel justified in committing atrocities against others. This is not the fault of religion; it is the fault of the human mind.It's the same thing as guns. Guns aren't evil and don't do violence. It's the person using the gun that causes the problem.

How has terrorism affected the whole world in the recent past?

in recent past terrorism effect the whole world. most of the people effect them