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Petrol as it wont harm anyone ...

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Q: What is an excellent fuel for cooking and heating in rural areas?
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Which energy source is the most widely used for heating and cooking in rural areas of South Asia?


Where do super rural areas get their drinking water and cooking water from?

from dams in roofs and from the rain

What is tele-radiology and how it is helping improving rural health care in India?

Tele-radiology is a technology that allows rural people to have radiological testing in rural areas and the results are read by doctors in urban areas with much better access to technology. This is improving rural health care in India by allowing rural areas the same access to excellent doctors that are found in urban areas.

Is propane used mostly in metropolitan or rural used?

For heating, propane is used mostly in rural areas because most cities/towns have natural gas infastructure this is preferred.

What does rural and urban areas contain?

What do urban areas contain? What do rural areas contain ?

Where in North America are rural areas?

Rural areas are places that are not in or near cities.

What is rural rural migration?

is the migration in which people are moving from rural areas to urban areas,which can be temporary or permanent migration

What is rural to rural migration?

is the migration in which people are moving from rural areas to urban areas,which can be temporary or permanent migration

How do people in urban and suburban areas depend on rural communities?

People from urban and rural areas both depend on each other. Rural provides the raw materials to the urban areas and urban areas provide the finished products to the rural areas. For example:- A dweller in the city with a low income might depend on seasonal farm of rural areas and could also take support from people in rural areas to look after his family or children. Also the people in rural areas might support their living from the money that a migrant relative earns in urban areas.

Did antifederalists come from rural areas or the city areas?

Federalist came from the coast, which back then was the urban areas. Antifederalist came from rural areas.

What is the difference between semi-urban areas and rural areas?

The difference between semi-urban areas and rural areas is the development of the geographic area and environment. A semi-urban area is between urban and rural, or partly urban. Rural areas are located outside towns and cities.

How did rise of cities change the human society?

they increased rural areas