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Operators in C are tokens that perform some operation upon one, two or three operands (unary, binary and tertiary operators, respectively). Some tokens serve more than one purpose depending upon the number of operands. For instance, the * token can be used to multiply two operands or to dereference an operand. Similarly, the & token can be used to bitwise AND two operands or to take the address of an operand. Some operators use a function-like syntax, such as the sizeof() operator. In C, all operators are built-in and cannot be overridden.

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Q: What is an operator in c language?
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Not possible. Of course you can call a function which does the addition for you, but function-calling is also an operator in C.

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A C operator is not a job or profession but rather a coding language. C operators perform certain tasks in programming such as a "+ " operator performs addition.

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A Boolean operator is any operator that returns true or false. False is typically denoted by the integer value 0 while all non-zero values equate to true. The less-than operator (<) is an example of a Boolean operator.

What do you mean by c plus plus?

C++ is a programming language, but, in the same time, it's a valid expression. Example:A= C++is equivalent with:A= C, C= C+1It's a bit of a joke. In the programming language C, ++ is the increment operator, so C++ can be interpreted as "C, except one better."

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The C language does not support classes, per se, like the C++ language does. The closest the C language comes to a class is in the typdef struct... typdef struct _myClass { ... ... }; myClass; But you won't have any methods, inheritance, polymorphism, operator overloading, access specifiers, etc. like you do in C++.

What are the basic operator in turbo c?

+ += - -= * *= / /= % %= = == != <= >= & && | ^ ~ << <<= >> >>= , [] () are the basic operator in TURBO C

Which is dummy operator in c?

In C, the sizeof operator can be considered a dummy operator because it does not perform any operations on the data but simply returns the size in bytes of a variable or a data type.

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conditional operator , size of operator , membership operator and scope resulation operator can not be overload in c++