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Q: What is another word for tentative explanation?
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What is the type of science with tentative explantion?

An hypothesis is a tentative explanation, not yet having been proved to be a theory.

A tentative explanation of a phenomena based on observations is called a?


What is A tentative (or untested) explanation of a natural phenomenon is called?

An hypothesis

What part of speech is the word tentative?

Tentative is an adjective.

A very tentative explanation of observations of some regularity of nature is an?

A hypothesis

Is the word tentative a verb a noun or an adjective?

Tentative is an adjective.

Is tentative a noun or verb?

The word 'tentative' is an adjective that is either pre-modifying or attributive, as in 'a tentative suggestion', or predicative, as in 'he is tentative'.

What word most nearly similar in meaning to tentative?

The word tentative means to be done without being certain or fixed without a doubt. The word most nearly similar in the meaning to tentative would be uncertain.

What is a scientific explanation that is tentative and requires more investigation?

Hypothesis? Proposition? Preliminary?

What integrated explanation of numerous hypothesis is known as?

A tentative explanation in research is called a hypothesis. The hypothesis is based on observation. The general explanation of the observation is called a theory. In other words, a theory is the result of testing a hypothesis.

What is a sentence using the word tentative?

"The parties set a tentative sale date in July." "The lion cub made one tentative swipe at the turtle and then scampered away."

An explanation of observation?

"a hypothesis is a tentative answer to some quesion." (essential biology:third edition)