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Well, let me try to improve this answer a little... Atomic spectroscopy is, primarily, the science that investigates the interaction of electromagnetic radiation (such as X-rays, ultra-violet and visible light) with atoms, usually by means of absorption or emission. These principles of interaction can be combined in an instrument called "spectrometer" that, finally, can be used to quantify several elements of the Periodic Table in all kinds of sample that you can imagine, from water to rocks. This is usually done by associating the amount of energy absorbed or emitted by an atom or atom cloud to the quantity of atoms in a given sample (or, indirectly, to the concentration of the element in that sample). The most usual techniques associated to atomic spectroscopy are atomic absorprtion spectrometry, optical (or atomic) emission spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Hope that helps... Atomic Spectroscopy is the determination of elemental composition by its electromagnetic or mass spectrum.

Sorry if this wasn't the exact answer you're looking for, but it was the only thing I could find. It took me FOREVER to find the answer to this question for a school project I was doing. I hope this is what you need!!! >Smile< :-)

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15y ago
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7y ago

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry is a spectral technique in analytical chemistry; atoms are excited in a flame. This method is frequently used for the determination of metrals traces in many materials including foods.

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10y ago

The Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy is used to analyze the concentration of 62 million different solutions found in metallic elements. It dates back to the 19th century and is used today.

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