

What is back acne?

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13y ago

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Back acne is just acne (pimples\blackheads\redness\whiteheads,etc) that is found on your back.

Anybody who suffers from acne can get it, and if you do have it you can invest in a body scrub or soap to use while in the shower\bath in an attempt to get rid of it.

Hope this helps :)

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13y ago
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Q: What is back acne?
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Is back acne the same as face acne?

Back Acne tends to be "heat spots". when you're wearing a t-shirt or whatever the heat gets trapped in your pores on your back which causes lumps (acne). whereas acne on your face is oils and infections that can get trapped in your pores creating spots.

How to Get Rid of Back Acne?

Back acne is extremely common among young teenagers and young adult males. Back acne is difficult to get rid of if the individual is an athlete or someone who is very active. This is because back acne is caused by sweat collecting in the pores of the skin. Back acne can be treated through the use of medications and skin cleansing shower lotions. Back acne is something many people experience and is a common form of acne. The first step in treating back acne is to identify any causes of the acne. For example, if the individual is an athlete it is important that they shower right after exercising because the cause of the back acne is usually related to exercise and sweat building up in the pores of the skin. If the individual is an athlete the best treatment for back acne would be to simply take a quick shower right after working out. The individual should use cleansing shower lotions to treat the back acne. This is going to be a better alternative than using severe and drying medications. If the individual suffering from back acne is not an athlete then the cause of the acne is probably genetic or stress-related. A good way to remove back acne is to get on a medication prescribed by a dermatologist such as Accutane. Accutane is an extremely potent and powerful drug that is used commonly to treat severe types of acne. Accutane is incredibly effective against back acne simply because it dries the skin out, removing the acne. If the individual suffering from back acne is an athlete, Accutane should not be used to because it can cause dehydration and fatigue. If the individual suffering from back acne is not an athlete though, Accutane is perfectly fine to use, as it will be the fastest way to treat back acne. Back acne can be a frustrating form of acne to fight, especially if you’re an athlete who needs to stay away from medications. However, if you are not an athlete, it is recommended that you use a strong medication like Accutane to immediately clear up the back acne you may be suffering from.

What are some good treatments for back acne?

There are two different ways to treat back acne. The most important is to shower and clean your back any time you have been sweating to remove oils that contribute to acne. The second is to use a natural acne soap such as Aveeno on your back to keep it healthy.

Is back acne a turnoff I am a hot girl and I'm talking to a guy and I'd like to sleep with him but I'm afraid my back-acne will turn him away?

If he really likes you, then he wont mind. But if it bugs you, you should use an acne body wash to clear all your back acne :)

How do you get rid of back acne?

== Answer: How do you get rid of back acne?== You can eliminate face, chest, back, and body acne, and reduce the amount of pimples and outbreaks that you have, no matter how many products you may have tried that failed. From the time that I was 13, until the time that I was 36, I suffered from severe acne. I had acne all over my face; and I also had blackheads all over my back. I had been a customer of Proactiv and Nature

Will microdermabrasion help with back acne?

Microdermabrasion is great for cleaning out pores and shedding dead skin. It could definitely help get rid of your back acne but it will also help clear up any old acne scars you have on your back.

Does acne come on your back?

Yes, It is possible.

What is bacne?

Bacne is acne present on the back.

How do people in the 1900 get rid of acne?

They did not have acne back then because they didn't have well any junk bad food.

Is acne hereditary?

The acne bacterium which is known as Propionibacterium acnes lives on everyone's skin, usually causing no problems, but, in those prone to acne, the build up of oil creates an ideal environment in which these bacteria prefer to multiply. This then triggers inflammation and the formation of red or pus-filled spots Acne can run in families, but this does not necessarily mean that if your parents had acne you will get it too.

Can a preteen get acne on their back from second hand smoke?


How do you get rid of acne in your back?

Thaats eaasy!! If you go out or have Head And Soulders Classic clean or dry scalp shampoo that will REALLY HELP! Clearing up your back acne!