

What is better cows milk soy milk or hemp milk?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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cows milk is the most efficiently metabolized by our bodies. there are also several studies that indicate soy is very taxing on the liver and fluctuates hormone levels. our bodies didnt evolve to digest plant proteins very well which is why so many people are allergic to gluten.

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Q: What is better cows milk soy milk or hemp milk?
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You should drink Soy Milk.

Is soy milk thicker than cows milk?

yes. slightly thicker consistency than cows milk. and is a white-ish grey colour. I think it even fills you up a bit more because of the thickness compared to cows milk.

Does milk really keep your bones strong?

No, milk does not help build strong bones. The calcium in cows milk is not used by our bodies. Natural cows milk is actually quite bad for humans. The gallons that you purchase at your local grocery stories are pumped full of vitamins and minerals and it is still better to do without. Consider using Soy Milk or Rice Milk.

Does cow's milk cook the same as soy milk in baking?

Cow's milk condenses better than soy milk. It keeps the baked recipe more moist than soy milk through the dehydration process. The soy milk has an oily effect as it cooks.

Is soy milk milk?

It starts off by having dry soy beans soaked in water for about 3 hours (over night to be sure). The rehydrated soy beans then undergo grinding while getting mixed with more water. Afterwards the mushy soy beans and water is heated for about 15-20 minutes. Finally, the end product is filtered in order to get rid of unneeded pulp.

Is milk made from a plant?

Milk is produced by the mammary glands of mammals. In the grocery that means from cows (rarely, from goats) A form of IMITATION milk is made from soy beans or almonds.

When gum was invented did it have taste?

no, but it was made out of marijuana. also, ninja cows ate it and it gave them wings. thatś why we have policemen. they shoot the ninja cows. that makes soy milk