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For fat/calorie burn what you do is nowhere near as important as how hard, how long, and how often you go at it.

All activities that gets you about equally sweaty and winded for about the same amount of time will use up pretty much the same amount of fat/calories.

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Q: What is better for losing stomach fat walking or a exercise bike?
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Jogging, but you lose more by having sex

Does walking burn fat from your stomach?

Any type of exercise can help the reduction of fat, including belly fat. Expending more calories than you take in through food is how to reduce fat, and exercise helps increase caloric expenditure.

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A treadmill is an exercise device that mimics walking and running on either a flat surface or at an incline. An elliptical trainer is a device that also mimics walking or running but your feet are stationary on pedals.

Is running a good way of losing stomach fat?

It's okay but crunches work better

What are some tips for losing belly fat?

Some tips for losing belly fat includes exercise such as walking, running, sit ups, stretching. Food choices are important to losing belly fat and not eating saturated fats and refined sugars will help.

What are some weight watcher secrets to losing weight?

Use a better program. It's called Diet and Exercise.

Is it possible to target and lose stomach fat?

Not really. It is possible to tone muscles in the stomach area while losing fat overall. This will result in a better looking stomach and, eventually, six-pack-abs.

How do you get abs like Amy from Nutrisystem?

Simply losing fat will not give you a firm "cut" stomach, exercise must also be incorporated along with a proper diet. There are many stomach exorcises you can do without equipment in the privacy of your home.

Exercise To Assist With Belly Weight Loss ?

Many people wonder how to lose the weight in their stomach. Is there any particular diet that works well for losing weight when you need to the most? Not necessarily. There are many different diets, and all work well. The trick to making a diet work well when you want to lose weight in your stomach is exercise. When you exercise while you are on your diet, you will be able to lose weight and keep it off. You'll also feel better because you have increased your daily exercise routine. As always, before you begin any exercise or diet routine, you should speak to your doctor.

Is there a workout that will help me lose my stomach fat?

Generally speaking, cardiovascular exercise such as running or biking is the mosre reliable method for losing stomach fat. These types of exercises are complimented well by exercises which target the abdominal muscles, such as sit ups.

How can you lose 5 pounds quickly?

Exercise is far, far better than a diet for losing weight quickly. Eat healthy, not just salad. So, combine exercise with normal food.

What workouts emphasize losing abdominal fat?

Aerobics and pilates are a couple of workouts you could try. A great website to get more info is