

What is bile responsible for?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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11y ago

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Bile is secretory as well as excretory product of liver. It secretes bile salts and excretes bile pigments. Bile salts (Sodium glaucocolate and Sodium taurocholate.) are responsible for emulsification of fats (makes very small droplets of fat.) witch greatly increase the surface area of fat and hasten action of pancreatic lipase on it.

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Q: What is bile responsible for?
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liver is responsible for making bile . Bile is a greenish bitter digestive liquid that contains bile salts and bile pigments. Bile salts consist of death enthrocytes, RBC's- Biliverdin and Bilirubin. Bile pigments are responsible for the emulsification of fats.

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Bile is produced in liver, stored in gallbladder and excreted into small intestine through the bile duct to aid lipid digestion. Bile pigment is a component of bile.

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What organ is responsible for drug detoxification and bile production?

The liver.

What is the green substance in your gallbladder?

The green substance is bile. It is formed in the liver and is stored in the gall bladder to be transferred to the duodenum of the small intestine when needed for emulsion and neutralisation. If you more information ask and I will give you.

Why bile pigments present in urine in jaundice?

Urochrome. This pigment is even responsible for the foul smell in urine.-Well wisher of education

Bile salts are responsible for the digestion and absorption of?

Bile is produced in the liver and helps to digest fat in the human body. Once produced, bile is stored in the gallbladder and is discharged into the duodenum when a person eats.

What releases bile into the small intestine?

The gallbladder is the organ responsible for releasing bile into the small intestine. The liver produces the bile, but the gallbladder stores it. The gallbladder releases the bile through the common bile duct where it then leads into the duodenum, the first section of the small intestine.

What bile is responsible in globules of fat?

Bile comes from gall bladder. It contains the bile salts. These salts are responsible for emulsification of the fat in your food. that means very fine fat globules are formed. this helps to increase the surface area of the fat. That helps the fat splitting enzyme to brake the fat molecule into three molecules of fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol.

What would happen if you stop producing sufficient quantities of bile salts?

Bile salts are responsible for absorbing fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine. Therefore, one would become very malnourished without sufficient bile salt production.