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A bureaucracy is a complex organization of appointed officials who work in the executive branch, implementing the bills, developing procedures for policy goals, and more.

Some characteristics are:

1. It is like a pyramid with the top bureaucrat having the most power

2. Every individual has a specific, specialized role

3. Everyone in the organization follow the formal rules

4. Everyone has their own set of goals

5. Only the best qualified people get hired and promoted; not to family members or friends

6. Performance is judged by the quality of job perfomed

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Q: What is bureaucracy and the characteristics of bureaucracy organization?
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The term "non-characteristic" is meaningless. If the question means to ask "What things are not characteristics of bureaucracies?", then anything other than what a bureaucracy is (organization of government where state officials and agencies process important information) is not a bureaucracy. For example: animals are not bureaucracies. Chieftains and tribal leaders do not have bureaucracies. You cannot eat a bureaucracy, etc.

What are non-characteristics of bureaucracy?

The term "non-characteristic" is meaningless. If the question means to ask "What things are not characteristics of bureaucracies?", then anything other than what a bureaucracy is (organization of government where state officials and agencies process important information) is not a bureaucracy. For example: animals are not bureaucracies. Chieftains and tribal leaders do not have bureaucracies. You cannot eat a bureaucracy, etc.

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What is a large complex organization made up of appointed officials?

a bureaucracy.

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One of the main characteristics of a bureaucracy is authority that is hierarchical. The other two characteristics are job specialization, and formalized rules.

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