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I assume you mean Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

This is a swelling (for whatever reason) of the soft tissue around one of the nerves in your wrist (the nervus medianus to be exact). The problem is, that this nerve doesn't have much room, so it gets compressed. Nerves don't take compression very well, so you start to get a tingly sensation that you can "shake away". If it gets worse, the tingling turns to pain, and later on in reduction of muscle amount in your ulnar (the pinky side) of your palm, and even to paralysis.

Treatment usually starts with drugs (such as ibuprofen), can include local injections with corticoid, and when all fails, surgery. During this procedure, more room is created for the nerve, solving the problem. This can easely be done under regional anesthetics, and is considered minor surgery. Revalidation is short (2 weeks average).

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a collection of characteristic symptoms and signs that occurs following entrapment of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel. Usual symptoms include numbness, paresthesias, and pain in the median nerve distribution. These symptoms may or may not be accompanied by objective changes in sensation and strength of median-innervated structures in the hand. Given that carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is associated with low aerobic fitness (and increased BMI), it makes inherent sense to provide the patient with an aerobic fitness program.

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Can you get carpal tunnel syndrome in a hand that has been operated on after?

yes it is a repetitive motion injury that can reoccur

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Acute pain or chronic pain is the risk for injury.

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Pain between the thumb and index finger can be caused by an injury, such as a fall. It can also rarely be a symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome or a sign of over-stretching.

How do you say carpal tunnel in French?

Carpal tunnel is 'le tunnel carpien' in French.

Who gets Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a repetitive stress kind of injury, so anyone who makes the same kind of motion a lot would be vulnerable. Typing on keyboards is a typical cause.

Are computer programmers at risk of injury and illness in the workplace?

Computer programmers can get carpal tunnel syndrome if they are not careful.

What is an example of work-related injury that often occurs among computer users?

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What injuries are caused by typing improperly?

Repetitive Strain Injury or R.S.I. as it is often abbreviated

Name two structures that make up the carpal tunnel?

The carpal bones (wrist bones) make up the "floor" of the carpal tunnel and the transverse carpal tunnel ligament make up the top part of the tunnel.

Can arthritis cause carpal tunnel?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a repetitive stress injury (which is to say, stress builds up when you do the same kind of motion over and over) and it has nothing to do with arthritis which is a degenerative illness (the body is wearing out with age).

What is the most common carpal tunnel treatment?

The most common surgical treatment for carpal tunnel is a carpal tunnel release. Other nonsurgical treatments for carpal tunnel include splinting, steroid injections, and oral medications.