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Also referred to as trisomy 21. Down syndrome.

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Q: What is cased by an extra copy of chromosome 21?
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Will a child have autism if an extra chromosome is on the 21 pair?

no, an extra copy of chromosone 21 causes down syndrome

Down syndrome is usually caused by an extra copy of what chromosome?

Down syndrome occurs because of the extra chromosome on chromosome 21. If you go onto google images and type in karyotype of Down syndrome, you will find a picture of the extra chromosome. Instead of having two chromosomes on chromosome 21, there is an extra. Type your answer here...

What does an individual with an extra copy of chromosome 21 demonstrait traits of having?

down syndrome

What is the relationship between trisomy 21 and Down syndrome?

Trisomy 21 is down's syndrome, which is an extra copy of chromosome 21

An individual with an extra copy of chromosome 21 demonstrates traits collectively know as?

down syndrome

How do the cells of people with down syndrom differ from those of others?

People with down syndrome have cells with an extra chromosome 21.

What condition occurs when a person's cells have an extra copy of chromosome 21?

down syndrome !! hope this helps

What does the karyotype of a person with down syndrome show?

A genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21.

Causes Down Syndrome?

Having an extra copy of chromosome 21. You are supposed to have 2; when you have 3 (trisomy 21), Down's Syndrome is the result.

What does it mean when someone has an extra chromosome?

If someone has an extra chromosome it means there was a genetic mutation that is abnormal in human development. It may result in problems with the person affecting them on a basic level, or may go fully unnoticed. A common disorder that can be caused by having an extra chromosome is Down's Syndrome.

Is the extra copy of Chromosome 21 that causes Down syndrome dominant or recessive?

Down syndrome is neither caused by dominant or recessive chromosomes it is simply caused by an error in the translation process of chromosome 21.

How was Down syndrome identified?

Genetic testing, the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21, a condition often referred to as trisomy 21 is indicative of Down Syndrome.