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The correct answer is .... It depends!

Feature for feature they are nearly the same, it all depends on what you, the consumer, wants for a backyard experience. If you want the backyard lagoon with completely unique form and water features then concrete would probably suit you best.

If you need something with little maintenance, easy on little feet and knees, little upgrade cost in the future, than maybe a fibreglass would fit the bill.

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Q: What is cheaper concrete or fibreglass pool?
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Are concrete pools more prone to cracking than fibreglass pools in an area with high water table?

No they are not, actually they will float long before they crack if built properly. Fiberglass however will not float as easily but the floor of the pool will bulge up and pull the sides in leaving you with a huge repair. However it can be done; it is expensive, but is cheaper than tearing out a concrete pool and essentially rebuilding the entire thing.

Anyone know a cheaper way to patch a drained in ground concrete pool other than using concrete?

Have a look at some of the epoxy products.

How do you fibreglass a inground pool liner pool?

Fiberglass pool shells are shipped in a single piece directly from the manufacturer. As a result, you don't actually linea pool with fiberglass the way you would with concrete or vinyl. Instead, installing a fiberglass pool simply means digging a hole in which to place the already completed shell.

are fibreglass tanks as good as concretet tanks people tell me i should change to concrete because they are better?

Fibreglass tanks are good but for the concrete tanks they are provided with a anti corrosive layer which prevents it from corrosion and they are also very strong. It is better to shift to concrete tanks

What is better a fiberglass pool or a concrete pool?

Fiberglass is because concrete will crack Yes I agree also, because we had a concrete pool when I was growing up and we were always repairing leaks, maybe the pool was just bad, but now that we purchased a fiberglass pool. We love the pool and it does not require much maintenance. We're going on 6 years with the pool and it still looks new.

Is a concrete pool or vinyl pool better in Northern Kentucky?

A concrete pool is better any where if it is done professionally.

Is there anything that can be put in your pool to redye your concrete pool dark blue?

There does not appear to be anything that can be put in your pool to redeye your concrete in the pool dark blue. This can only be achieved by draining the pool and painting the concrete a dark blue color.

How do you turn a fully concrete liner pool into a fully concrete pool with out a liner?

by taking the liner away!

Is a ceramic or concrete pool better?

A pool liner is a material made out of a substance like vinyl, installed to retain water in the pool and prevent leakages to the pool walls and floor. The walls of your pool are made of concrete; water leakages weaken the integrity of these concrete structures. A pool liner stops possible damages to the concrete by preventing leaks. If your pool is tiled, thereโ€™s a liner between the tiles and the pool. Pool liners have an average lifespan of ten years, though this may be affected by some factors. One of these is the chemical (im)balance of your pool. A chemically imbalanced pool will bring quicker damage to the lining of the pool, due to the high concentration of chemicals in the water.

What pool is best?


Is it possible to change a concrete pool into a liner pool if your inground concrete pool has cracks along the side down near the bottom?

Yes it can be done

What causes Brown marks thast will not brush off salt water fibreglass swimming pool?

Usually iron