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what is a conventional loan with out p m i

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Q: What is conventional loan without PMI ARM?
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Can you refinance a loan that will allow you to Cash Out without having to pay PMI?

this is possible Most of my clients are never put into PMI Pmi is usually placed on with a loan when the purchaser is putting down a very small amount of money PMI is a old loan technique not used very much at all now. So if your question is in regards to PMI I would not expect you to have to pay PMI on a refi. I have plenty of lenders who will not ask for PMI and I avoid it for my clients very easily If you have any more questions give me an e-mail at

Does an FHA loan have a PMI requirement?

Most FHA loans will require a PMI (private mortgage insurance) It will depend on the area from which you get the loan as to what percent you will have to pay upfront or how much to get.

When can you drop PMI on a Fannie Mae loan?

Once your mortgage is under 80% of the home's value it is possible to drop PMI.

What is the loan-to-value ratio required to carry PMI?


What benefits does a VA home loan offer that other home loans do not offer?

VA home loans are one of the only loan programs that do 100% financing. Also, because the loan is backed by the government, it is not necessary to my PMI (mortgage insurance). Therefore, your monthly mortgage payments are substantially less than with a conventional loan.

How do you apply for obama home loan?

Apply for a USDA FHA rural loan. 30 year loan, with no down needed. No PMI!

What is PMI on a mortgage?

PMI is Private Mortgage Insurance. It is insurance for the lender in the event a borrower defaults on their mortgage payments. Any loan amount that is higher than 80% LTV (Loan-To-Value) requires PMI, as this is considered a "high-risk loan" for the lender. Examples: If a home appraises for $100,000, then PMI is required on any loan amount higher than $80,000. If a home appraises for $200,000, then PMI is required on any loan amount higher than $160,000. Exceptions to PMI: If you obtain a USDA loan or VA loan, then there will be no PMI required. Instead, there is a higher than normal "Funding Fee" included in the closing costs of the loan, but this "Funding Fee" can be financed into the loan (so you do not need to pay the "Funding Fee" up-front).

How do Private Mortgage Insurances pay off?

PMI is a policy a homeowner is required to carry until they have paid off a full 20% of the principal on their loan. Then the PMI can be dropped. Usually, the fee for it is divided into 12 yearly installments, with the monthly payment being built into your mortgage payment. PMI is protection for the bank against you defaulting on your loan. If you do, the bank gets their money back through the PMI policy.

Which mortgage loans require mortgage insurance?

FHA Loans is the one who required mortgage insurance as in protection to the banks and lenders. While in conventional loan, PMI or private mortgage insurance is required for those borrowers with less than 20% equity.

Can you get a mortgage loan with a 674 fico score?

depends.... Most lenders are 620 min for a FHA/VA/USDA loan with 3.5% down. You can go for a conventional loan, but with a 674 you would want to put down 20% to get out of MI and get a good rate. The best option for you would be a VA loan if have ever served in the military, or you could do a USDA loan if you are looking in a rural area. VA- 100% fin great rates no PMI USDA- 100% fin great rates no MI

If you have PMI and your mortgage company accepts a shot sale does the PMI cover the difference?

I am working on one now where the buyer did not have PMI, however, the lender purchased PMI. Subsequently, the buyer has defaulted on the loan and has listed the property as a short sale. We secured an excellent offer which was submitted to the lender. The lender came back and said the deal was accepted by the investors but needed be sent to the PMI company for approval. This is the first time in the four month process that we found out there was PMI on the loan. The PMI company wanted the seller to sign a Promissory Note for the difference. The seller refused to sign it and the PMI company has trashed the sale because of it. We are now offering a Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosre so the investors can keep the buyer. Does the PMI company have to approve the Deed In Lieu? I wonder what the PMI company has to gain by forcing a foreclosure if the seller will not sign a Promissory Note to them? The sad part is that the offer is excellent, the property is vacant and will continue to decline in value as the landscaping dies and as it becomes vulnerable to vandalism and general neglect.

How much private mortgage insurance will you pay on a 165000 loan?

There is not enough information in your question. The rate changed for PMI is based on the loan to value, so without knowing the value of your home we cannot compute your loan-to-value or your MI premium. MI rates also vary based on the type of loan you are doing and your credit score. Give us more information and we can give you a better answer.