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A breakaway collar is designed to break apart if there is intense pressure on it. So if for example your cat got the collar hooked on something instead of being stuck and possibly choking to death the collar would break open and the cat would be free.

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Breakaway collars let them take off the collar on their own.

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What is the best dog training collar?

The best dog training collar is one you feel most comfortable using on your dog. Choke , electric impulse, spiked, or normal collars can all be effective. However, any collar can be used to help train your dog. It is more in the method than the tool.

What treatment should be used for a dog that keeps licking its skin irritation?

Cone collars seem to work well. They go around the dogs neck, such as a normal collar, but they have a large plastic cone that blocks the dog from licking, biting on its body, or scratching at its head.

Is it normal you can pop your collar bone?

No that is not normal. But if you can you are very special.

Correct Not Punish Your Dog With Bark Control Collars?

These days, it’s not just you that your dog is annoying, but your neighbors too. His incessant barking goes on forever as soon as you walk out of the room. What is a concerned owner supposed to do? First of all consider that barking is a normal reaction for a dog and could be occurring for many reasons. However, it’s the incessant barking that is formed as a habit to get treats that has to be broken. Naturally, the thought of bark collars come to mind, but keep in mind, there are three different kinds to choose from. Regardless of which method you choose, the principle is the same. When the dog barks, the collar is activated and a form of correction ensues, stopping the pattern of barking. The three different types of collar emissions include citronella spray, tone correction and stimulation. Your dog will not need to wear these collars forever, just until he’s trained properly. However, don’t throw them away or sell them on Ebay as your dog may need to be re-trained again in the future. First mentioned was the citronella collar. This collar will shoot out a spray of non-harmful but unpleasant smelling citronella in front of the dog’s face interrupting his barking stream. Many pet owners report excellent results with this type of deterrent. The tone emitting collar will let out a loud sound to distract the dog and will shut off when the dog stops barking. This collar also has a remote control that will allow the owner to turn it on manually when they hear the dog barking. Lastly, is the stimulation collar that shoots out an electrical charge when it senses the dog barking. They are considered safe to the dog and different charge levels can be chosen. Increased levels only work when the dog continues his barking. These collars can be bought in local stores as well as online stores. Shop around for the best buy and fit for your dog to help correct but not punish your dog.

What can you feed a windsucking horses?

Normal feeding - get a cribbing collar

What are the uses of a leather dog harness?

Dog harnesses are sometimes used in place of a normal collar and lead where a dog pulls and might otherwise damage its neck. These harnesses are also useful in dogs that have a relatively small head and might slip their collars. Examples of leather dog harnesses can be found on the petsinpyjamas website.

How long is your collar bone?

It depends on the person, but the normal size is 5 inches.

What is a collar and cuff sling used for?

a collar and cuff sling is used for:elbow injuries (it is used to keep pressure of the elbow)shoulder injuries.injury to the collar bone(the latter two are mainly treated with a normal arm sling)

Will you be accepted in the army with a broken collar bone?

yes, you can, if it doesn't affect your normal body functions. Broken collar bone is not a disability, so you will be accepted in the army. Be confident and good luck

What is the normal length of a new single drill collar?

The standard length for a new API drill collar is 31' shoulder to shoulder with the pin threads adding an extra 6-8 inches depending on the type of connection.

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How effective are bark collars?

Bark control collars should only be used as a last resort, second to surgically de-barking the dog, which in my opinion is cruel and unfair to the dog. It should be used when your dog will not stop barking no matter what attempts you have made.It is crucial that before resorting to this, or as you are actually using this collar, that you are making every attempt to keep your dog amused. Most dogs bark out of boredom when they bark for long periods of time. If you are leaving your dog outside alone all day, with no toys or companions, this is most likely the reason for it barking! Buy it some toys, such as a kong toy or give it an empty ice cream container without the lid, and slide it along the ground. Yes, it will be very noisy when your dog plays with it, but this is better than it barking! Or you could just get a dog-safe stuffed or squeaky toy if you have the money! And remember to keep your dog fed, watered, and with access to shelter and warmth or freedom from draughts!Remember: bark control collars are very uncomfortable for the dog, whether they release a bad citronella smell or whether they shock. If you care for your dog at all, you will make every attempt to fix the problem with minimal collar use!