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Q: What is different between roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy?
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Was St. Patrick Greek Orthodox?

Actually, St. Patrick lived before the schism between Greek (Eastern) Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism, so both consider him a saint.

Who was a group that split from Roman Catholicism in 1054?

The Great Schism was between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church (or Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox).

What is the primary difference between Neo Orthodoxy and Paleo Orthodoxy?

Neo is new. Paleo is old or ancient.

What are the differences between Eastern Orthodoxy and Oriental Orthodoxy?

The Oriental Church broke away from the Eastern Orthodox Church during the 4th Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon. They differ from the Orthodox Church in that they are Monophysites, meaning they believe Christ only has one Nature which is divine and not two natures divine and human like the rest of Christendom.

Are the Eastern Churches different than Catholic Church?

Catholic AnswerWell, some of them are different. You see, when the schism happened, each Eastern Church split into two, half stayed with Rome, and half left. So the ones that stayed with Rome (which are called the Uniate Churches) ARE Catholic Churches. The Catholic Church's largest Rite is the Latin Rite, but it also contains many other Rites, there are nine main Rites: Latin, Byzantine, Armenian, Chaldean, Coptic, Ethiopic, Malabar, Maronite, and Syrian rites. All of the Rites except the Latin and Maronite are also used by Christians who are no longer Catholics.

What is similar between Catholicism and Catholic?

A Catholic is one who practices Catholicism.

What happened in 1054 within the Christian religion?

In 1054, the Great Schism occurred in Christianity, leading to the separation of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. This schism was largely over theological, cultural, and political differences between the two branches of Christianity. It marked a permanent split in the Christian faith, with lasting implications for the religious landscape of Europe and the Middle East.

Is there a difference between Catholicism in the UK and the US because in the UK Catholicism is a form of Christianity but in the USA they appear to be different?

No, there is not a difference between Catholicism in the United States or Great Britain - except for the funny accent; as we are members of One, Holy, catholic, and Apostolic Church. We use the same Missal, Church calendar, and rubrics. And Catholicism is the "original" form of Christianity; as opposed to the myriad of "Flavors" offered today.

What is the different between eastern woodland Indians and southwest Indians?

they have differnt costumes

Love relationship in Eastern and western cultures?

Love relationships are a little different between Eastern and Western cultures. There are more divorces in Eastern cultures than Western.

Why people believe in other churches in a mean time one is the church orthodox only and the rest found later because of different reasons like ego money etc?

Because some of them are not so far from Orthodoxy, and they were not born in Orthodoxy, so its easier just to stay as they are Also, they may not be aware of the differences between the churches

What is the difference between orthodoxy and heterodoxy?

Orthopraxy is a combination of two Greek words meaning Correct Practice or Orthodox practice, and Orthodoxy is a combination of two Greek words meaning Correct Glory or Correct Faith. Orthodoxy refers to the beliefs, whereas Orthopraxy refers to putting those beliefs into practice.