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Q: What is disaggregation of concrete?
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Soobyong Park has written: 'Aggregation effects and disaggregation of demand in location-allocation analyses' -- subject(s): Mathematical models, Geography, Industrial location, City planning

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Albert R Stage has written: 'Statistical procedures for disaggregation applicable to modeling climatic effects on forest growth' -- subject(s): Statistics, Forests and forestry

What is disaggregation in production planning?

It is the process of breaking the Aggregate Plan down into Greater Details. It is similar to the process of resource allocation. For example, the aggregation plan tells us how many laptops to produce but it does not indicate how many of them should be with black cover, and how many will be with red cover. The disaggregation plan is important in production planning because it assigns specific details to each product which can investigate the deep costs related to each product easily. It is needed in the operating level of the organization where specific details are needed.

What type of concrete should you use when making a concrete bench?

The best concrete for making a concrete bench is Bench concrete.

What is a sentence for concrete?

The concrete was incredibly hard. The concrete was gray.

What are types of concrete available in the Philippines?

There are quite a diverse range of concrete types in the Philippines. Some of the types of concrete in this country include Fiber-reinforced concrete, Rapid-setting concrete, Fluid-filled concrete, and Pervious concrete.

What different of blinding concrete vs lean concrete?

a blinding concrete is a thin layer of lean concrete

Why do Adobe bricks have concrete in them?

they have concrete in them because the concrete has to hold it together

VAT on concrete products such as concrete blocks in maharashtra?

VAT charged on concrete products such as concrete block in maharashtra

Is apple an abstract noun or concrete noun?

Concrete. (You can see it, feel it, bite it!)

Can you pour a concrete slab onto another concrete slab?

No. Concrete won't bond to concrete. It will end up cracking.

How we can convert concrete class to ratio?

what is the concrete ratio in Class D2 concrete