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Flea dirt is actually flea poop that is made up of dried blood. They look like tiny dots and are a sure sign of fleas on your pet. They are commonly found on the tummy and on the tail. Fleas need to be dealt with immediately to prevent health risks and you also need to take preventative measures to keep fleas away. they look like black pepper, tiny black dots, , black specks, dog or cat dandruff that is black etc. Despite their size, fleas consume a large amount of blood, especially if there is a large amount of them. While its rather rare and only a result of a terrible flea problem, this can result in anemia. After giving your pet a good wash with flea shampoo (watch out for the claws and death stares if you have a cat), give its bedding (blankets, etc.) a good hot wash to get rid of the fleas that may be lurking on these items, perhaps to hide from your wrath.

WARNING: Despite what you may have read about natural treatments for fleas on the internet, if you find flea dirt on cats (or the actual fleas), please never use tea tree oil as it can pose a serious health risk.

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Q: What is flea dirt found on dogs that turns red when the dog gets wet?
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You can see them if you look - part the hair especially around the tail, or turn the dog over and look at its belly. Also if you find specks of what looks like dirt, pick up one and put it on a white paper towel or counter and put a drop of water on it. If it turns red (blood), it is flea dirt, or flea feces.

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I don't know, but if the dog has fleas, you should be able to see them, or at least the "flea dirt" they create. If you see dark colored "stuff" on the dog, wet it. If it turns dark red, it's flea dirt, and the dog has fleas. Maybe all it needs is Frontline or Top Spot, or Advantage.

Which kind of relationship does dogs and fleas have?

Fleas suck the dogs blood, and causes itch. The flea is a parasite to the dog.

What are the more effective products at flea control for indoor animals?

Advantage once a month topical flea treament for dogs and puppies is one of the highest rated in flea control for dogs. For cats, Revoltion is the best bet.

Can dogs die from flea medicine?

Possibly if they drink it.

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What causes flea infestation on dogs?

Catching from other dogs/ cats and not being treated

I bath dogs then rinse with flea dip after they dry I put frontline on them Still when they go outside and come in the house they are covered with fleas?

If you have bathed the dog with a flea treating shampoo and then applied frontline flea protecting to the dogs once dried and they are still comming in covered with fleas i would say that there is a serious flea problem/infestation in the area that you are allowing the dogs to be in.