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Currently, there is no known way of preventing kidney failure in a cat. Some cats will develop kidney failure regardless on how well it is looked after. It has been said that giving it a good diet that has high quality sources of meat and free of grains may keep the kidneys from working so hard, but this still isn't a preventative.

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Q: What is good for cats to take to prevent kidney failure?
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Is kidney failure and kidney insufficiency mean the same thing?

Kidney failure is an acute stage, and can often be a secondary complication to another condition or situation, such as from a reaction to medication or from dehydration. Chronic kidney disease is a chronic illness. Acute kidney failure has a good chance of being 100% reversible if caught early. Chronic kidney disease is manageable with dialysis, but is not reversible.

What are the early symptoms of kidney failure?

There are several early signs of kidney failure. This however, is something that should be discussed with a doctor. After an examination and evaluation, the doctor would be in a good position to offer advice and treatment options.

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That is a good question! You my get post streptococcal glomerulonephitis. This may lead to chronic kidney failure. This will prevent the formation of 1,5 cholecalciferol. So active form of the vitamin D is not formed. This leads to osteoporosis.

How did the kidney transplant help the world?

People can die of severe renal failure, so, kidney transplants allow to save many people's lives! I think it's a good thing isn't it?

What blocks blood flow to the kidneys?

The kidneys need a good blood supply. The main artery to the kidney is called the renal artery. Reduced blood flow through the renal artery can hurt kidney function. A complete blockage of blood flow to the kidney can often result in permanent kidney failure.

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No. High blood pressure can damage your kidneys and lead to kidney failure.

What is protein urine?

Not a good sign it indicates your blood is not being filtered properly which is your kidneys job if you have protein in your urine may be an indication of kidney failure

Can a person who has kidney stones or even kidney insufficiency be a good athlete?

Yes, despite the pain that kidney stones might pose, they do not prevent or inhibit one's athletic ability. If the pain is treated at the right time, then kidney stones do not cause any problem in regards to athletic performance.

Do cats have babies with siblings?

Cats have more than one kitten at a time, yes and they can also have intercourse with their siblings when that times comes which is another good reason to have them fixed to prevent inbreeding.

What does it mean to dream of kidney failure?

Dreams can be influenced by physical conditions. So if the dreamer is overdue for a physical checkup - particularly if one has noticed troubling symptoms - this might be a good time to schedule an appointment. ... Otherwise, kidney failure might be a metaphor highlighting the need to let something "pass" or "pass away." The dreamer might need to "get something of of his system."

Defining Kidney Failure and How to Treat It?

The main function of the kidneys is to filter and eliminate toxins from the body including waste, excess fluids, salt and other potentially harmful materials from the body. When a patient goes into kidney failure, also known as renal failure, these toxins can build up in the body and can lead to serious health complications, resulting in possible death if left untreated. Kidney failure may take only a few hours to occur in chronically ill patients and is often referred to as acute. This may require long term if not lifelong therapy for those currently dealing with other existing health issues. However, a person of general good health may completely recover from this condition. When going into kidney failure, a patient may experience decreased urination, swelling in the legs and ankles, fatigue, nausea and vomiting and confusion. Severe cases may lead to seizures and coma. It is also possible for a patient not to exhibit any obvious symptoms or signs of kidney failure in which case the condition may discovered during routine testing for other ailments. There are many diseases and disorders that may lead to kidney failure including cirrhosis of the liver, certain cancers, kidney stones and lupus. Diabetics are also at risk for developing kidney failure as well as those who have experienced severe trauma or are critically dehydrated. Certain medications have also been linked to renal failure including chemotherapy drugs. After a patient suffers from kidney failure, it will most likely be necessary to remain hospitalized until the organs recover and the physician can determine the cause and further treatment options if necessary. Treatment is determined by the underlying cause of the kidney failure and can range from simple lifestyle changes and prescription medications to temporary or regular dialysis. A physician may also recommend a strict diet change reducing the amount of potassium and salt as kidneys that are damaged or unable to recover from acute failure will be unable to process these from the body.

What is the prognosis for kidney failure without treatment?

Chronic kidney disease tends to get progressively worse as the individual ages. More than 15,000 kidney transplants are done each year, and there is a often long waiting list for donated kidneys.