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Well, you have to have a balanced food pyramid. But people are vegetarians because they feel bad for the animals. So,in order for vegetarians to stay healthy , they eat tofoo to replace their meat. Vegans are sorta unhealthy because they don't eat or drink products from animals. Which means they dont eat meat and don't drink milk. You can't just eat meat all the time. It's unhealthy. So I suggest vegetarian would be the healthiest.

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Q: What is healthiest vegan vegetarian or meat?
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A herbivore or a vegetarian or a vegan never deliberately eats meat.

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Vegetarian or vegan (these are two different things but both do not eat meat)

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Abstinence or to abstain from eating meat.

What is a person that does not eat meat or fish and drinks milk and is a vegetarian?

A vegan

What is a 'vegan vegetarian'?

A vegan vegetarian, or vegan for short, does not eat any animal product. This includes meat, dairy, eggs, fish, honey, or any foods that contain those products in their recipes.

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Pescatarian is the name for a vegetarian that eats fish.

Can vegetarians drinkmilk?

Yes. A vegetarian does not eat meat. A vegan does not eat all animal products. A vegan does not drink milk.

Is the dish suitable for vegetarian or vegan or celiac?

A vegetarian dish will contain no meat. A vegan dish will contain no animal products (meat, eggs, dairy, honey, etc.). A celiac-appropriate dish will contain no wheat or gluten products.

Other than meat what else cant you eat when you are a vegetarian?

It depends on the specific type of vegetarian. The most common are pescatarian (fish), lacto- or ovo-vegetarian, vegetarian, and vegan. Some allow fish, eggs, and / or dairy. Vegetarian limits all meat and eggs. Vegan does not allow animal products of any kind (including honey, dairy, silk, leather, etc.).

How to identify the vegetarian products?

Vegetarian products do not contain meat. More extreme vegetarians will also not consume eggs or dairy, but that is considered vegan. Many products will list themselves on the packaging or in the store as being vegetarian or vegan. If unsure, reading the ingredients label will always guarentee that you known if a product contains meat or not.

Will i miss eating meat and dairy on a vegan diet?

In any vegetarian diet in which one has been exposed to meat there is a factor of missing meat and dairy. However, fortunately there are many supplementary options that substitute vegan products for meat taste.

Is honey or fish or eggs a vegan dish?

Eggs and honey are not vegan but are vegetarian. Vegetarian- not mean. Vegan- not from an animal. Fish is not vegan.