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explicit type conversion is done by compile automatically

for example:

int x;

float y=10.4545

// to convert the value of float into int type we use

x=y; //automatic conversion

while if we force to convert one data type to another then it is called implicit

for example:

int x;

float y=10.4545

// to convert the value of float into int type we use

x= (int)y; //forced conversion

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3d ago

Implicit data type conversion happens automatically by the compiler when a value is assigned to a different data type. Explicit data type conversion, on the other hand, is done by the programmer using type casting to convert a value from one data type to another. It gives the programmer control over how the conversion is done.

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Q: What is implicit and explicit data type conversion in C programming?
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What is the difference between oop's pop's?

"OOP" stands for Object-Oriented Programming, which is a programming paradigm that uses objects to represent data and methods. "POP" can refer to various things, such as the "pop" method in programming languages like Python that removes and returns the last element from a list. The two terms are not directly comparable as they refer to different concepts in programming.

Difference between supervised and unsupervised learning?

Supervised learning is a type of machine learning where the model is trained on labeled data, meaning the input data is paired with the correct output. In contrast, unsupervised learning involves training the model on unlabeled data, where the algorithm tries to find patterns or relationships within the data without explicit guidance on the correct output.

Major components of DBMS?

The major components of a database management system (DBMS) include data definition, data manipulation, data integrity, and data security. Data definition involves defining the structure of the database and schema, data manipulation involves querying and modifying data, data integrity ensures the accuracy and consistency of data, and data security involves protecting the database from unauthorized access and ensuring data confidentiality.

What is data redundancy and which characteristics of the file system can lead to it?

Data redundancy refers to repetitive data in the database. In a system with redundant data it is difficult to manage the relationships. Data redundancy is the result of poorly designed database. By implying proper constraints on the data it can be prevented.

What are least three conditions that contribute to data redundancy and inconsistency?

Lack of data normalization where data is stored in multiple locations, leading to redundant copies. Poor data quality control processes that result in inconsistent data entries. Inadequate data integration procedures that fail to synchronize data across different systems, causing redundancy and inconsistencies.

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Implicit and explicit determine what can be passed to a method. If a method is not declared as explicit the compiler will attempt to look for any implicit conversions from the type being passed to the type the method expects. for example, if the method expects a long and you pass in an unsigned char, the compiler will not complain because an unsigned char can be implicitly converted to a long without any loss of data. If you declare the method as explicit the data type that is used in the method declaration is the data type that needs to be passed to the method. If you want to pass a char *ptr to a method that expects a long you will have to cast the char *ptr to a long when calling the method. For example, foo((long)ptr);

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With an explicit cast, for example (in Java): int i = 0; char c; c = (char) i; Please note that data may be lost in such a conversion; the explicit cast basically tells the compiler "go ahead; I know what I am doing". Without an explicit cast, the compiler won't accept the conversion.

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Type casting means explicitly converting one data type to another. For example, the following won't be allowed:int a;long b;b = 5;a = b;In the last line, the compiler will complain, due to a possible data loss - long has a larger range. But if you believe that the conversion won't cause a problem in your program, you can override the error message with an explicit conversion (or typecast):...a = (int) b;Type casting means explicitly converting one data type to another. For example, the following won't be allowed:int a;long b;b = 5;a = b;In the last line, the compiler will complain, due to a possible data loss - long has a larger range. But if you believe that the conversion won't cause a problem in your program, you can override the error message with an explicit conversion (or typecast):...a = (int) b;Type casting means explicitly converting one data type to another. For example, the following won't be allowed:int a;long b;b = 5;a = b;In the last line, the compiler will complain, due to a possible data loss - long has a larger range. But if you believe that the conversion won't cause a problem in your program, you can override the error message with an explicit conversion (or typecast):...a = (int) b;Type casting means explicitly converting one data type to another. For example, the following won't be allowed:int a;long b;b = 5;a = b;In the last line, the compiler will complain, due to a possible data loss - long has a larger range. But if you believe that the conversion won't cause a problem in your program, you can override the error message with an explicit conversion (or typecast):...a = (int) b;

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A no converting type cast is a type cast where the underlying data type is intrinsically the same as the type being cast, thus no conversion is required. This will often occur when explicitly converting from one type definition to another when both are in fact the same definition. For instance, type casting from an unsigned int to a size_t is a no converting type cast because the size_t data type is merely a type definition (typedef) for an unsigned integral. Thus type casting between any of the following would result in a no converting type cast: unsigned unsigned int unsigned long unsigned long int size_type size_t Note that unsigned and long are both modifiers, not types. If you omit the type, int is assumed, thus the first four are fundamentally unsigned int. Note also that a conversion and a type cast are not really the same thing, but they do similar jobs. A conversion is an implicit conversion between types while a type cast is an explicit conversion between types. In other words, they're both conversions, but not all conversions are type casts. This is best demonstrated with some examples: int i = 3; In the above example, the literal constant 3 is implicitly int, thus this is an example of a no conversion type cast (same fundamental type). long j = long (i); The above example is also a no converting type cast because int and long are fundamentally the same type. Remember, long is a modifier, not a type in its own right, thus long int is implied, and a long int is fundamentally the same as an int. unsigned int k = i; The above example is an implicit conversion because the value of i (3) is assigned to a fundamentally different type to that of i. unsigned int l = (unsigned int) i; unsigned int m = static_cast<unsigned int> (i); The above examples are explicit conversions (type casts). Both explicitly cast the integral 3 to an unsigned int. Explicit conversion (type casting) between primitive types is usually unnecessary because the compiler knows how to convert between these types and it's generally not something the programmer need overly concern themselves with. However, it can sometimes be important to highlight the fact that a conversion is taking place. In these cases it is best to be explicit and the static_cast operator is the best way of making the cast stand out. Conversion to or from more complex objects should be handled by the object's themselves through class conversion operators that implement static_cast where appropriate, and dynamic_cast or reinterpret_cast when the conversion is more complex. Again, it can be important to highlight the fact a conversion is taking place so it's best to keep conversion operators to the absolute minimum and force consumers to be explicit with their conversions. You can also use const_cast to highlight the fact that the constness of a type is being converted.

What is implicit and explicit data type conversion in c?

IMPLICIT TYPE CONVERSIONImplicit type conversion, also known as coercion, is an automatic type conversion by thecompiler. Some languages allow, or even require, compilers to provide coercion. In a mixed-type expression, data of one or more subtypes can be converted to asupertype as needed at runtime so that the program will run correctly. For example, the following is legal C language code:double d; long l; int i; if (d > i) d = i; if (i > l) l = i; if (d == l) d *= 2;Although d, l and ibelong to different data types, they will be automatically converted to equal data types each time a comparison or assignment is executed. This behavior should be used with caution, as unintended consequences can arise. Data can be lost when floating-point representations are converted to integral representations as the fractional components of the floating-point values will be truncated (rounded towards zero). Conversely, converting from an integral representation to a floating-point one can also lose precision, since the floating-point type may be unable to represent the integer exactly (for example, floatmight be an IEEE 754 single precision type, which cannot represent the integer 16777217 exactly, while a 32-bit integer type can). This can lead to unintuitive behavior, as demonstrated by the following code:#include int main() { int i_value = 16777217; float f_value = 16777217.0; printf("The integer is: %i\n", i_value); printf("The float is: %f\n", f_value); printf("Their equality: %i\n", i_value == f_value); }On compilers that implement floats as IEEE single precision, and ints as at least 32 bits, this code will give the peculiar result of printing out "The integer is: 16777217", followed by "The float is: 16777217.000000", then "Their equality: 0" (where 1 represents equal). This odd behavior is caused by an implicit cast of i_value to float when it is compared with f_value; a cast which loses precision, making the values being compared different.Following important points:Float to int causes truncation, ie removal of the fractional part.double to float causes rounding of digitlong int to int causes dropping of excess higher order bits.EXPLICIT TYPE CONVERSIONExplicit type conversion is a type conversion which is explicitly defined within a program (instead of being done by a compiler for implicit type conversion). double da = 3.3; double db = 3.3; double dc = 3.4; int result = (int)da + (int)db + (int)dc; //result == 9 //if implicit conversion would be used (as if result = da + db + dc), result would be equal to 10There are several kinds of explicit conversion.checked Before the conversion is performed, a runtime check is done to see if the destination type can hold the source value. If not, an error condition is raised.unchecked No check is performed. If the destination type cannot hold the source value, the result is undefined.bit pattern The raw bit representation of the source is copied verbatim, and it is re-interpreted according to the destination type. This can also be achieved via aliasing.In object-oriented programming languages, objects can also be downcast : a reference of a base class is cast to one of its derived classes.

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That which a program processes.

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Computer programming

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