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Things in a horse treat may contain carrots, apples, or other things that horses may like. They like it because their favorite food type is in the treat.

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Q: What is in a horse treat that makes horses like it so much?
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No. A horse should eat hay and/or grass instead, grain only if it's necessary (i.e., if the horse is being used for work or sport). Answer2: Cucumbers are listed as nontoxic to horses. They can be fed in small bite sized pieces as a treat. Hay and / or pasture should make up the bulk of any horses diet, grain if needed can be added as stated above, but horses do like variety and will enjoy cucumbers as a treat.

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i think it is something to do with their stomach . the horse has probably eaten something is shouldn't have and horses can't throw up like people. it is probably something like colic and there is a treatment for it but i am unaware of what it's called so if u can't get it u could try bathing your horse until it improves.

Which one of these foods do horses not like Carrot Hay Straw Alfalfa?

straw. that is why it is used for bedding.however horses will eat straw also but it has no nutritional value Horses love carrots, they are a popular horse treat. Alfalfa makes very high quality hay with good nutritional value that horses will eat readily. Straw is dried grass, stems more than leaf, and it is dry, tasteless and has little or no nutritional value. Very few horses will eat it if anything else is available, and some horses will not eat it if it is the only food they have access to. You should not feed straw to a horse.

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What does it mean when a horse touches your nose with his?

It could mean a lot of things, many horses do that for different reasons. The horse may want some attention, or a treat if you give your horse any. My horse does it sometimes when he wants to go riding. But like I said it could mean anything.