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Q: What is in plant cell walls that make it impossible for humans to digest plants?
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Why is cellulose important to plant?

The cell walls of plants are made of cellulose. Approximately 33 percent of all plant material is cellulose. Humans cannot digest cellulose, but animals such as cows and horses can digest cellulose for food.

What happens if a plant doesn't digest right?

Are you referring to carnivorous plants? If not, ignore this because other kinds of plants do not digest (they make energy through photosynthesis only). If a carnivorous plant, such as the Venus flytrap, does not digest its prey well, the plant may not get the nutrients it needs and die.

Why can't oil plant plants?

that is completly impossible.

Does monster plant eat humans?

No. There are no monster plants that eat humans.

What do plant not give us humans food?

Some plants do, Such as Carrot plant, Tomato Plants, Potatoes, they are all plants.

What are some organisms that contain cellulose?

Cellulose is hard to digest plant material found in plants such as grass and leaves.Herbivores such as Cows and giraffes can digest cellulose.certain types of bacteria can digest cellulose as well.

What is the major substance found in the cell wall of a plant cell that humans are unable to digest?

It is called cellulose. Human lack enzymes to digest it.

What is the difference between plant and humans?

Plants let out Oxygen which is what humans breath in and we let out Carbon dioxide which is what plants breath.

What is the purpose of a plant?

The basic function of a plant is to grow and reproduce.

How do humans affect or plant population size?

First of all, humans depend on plants for food. Second of all, people have gardens to plant the plants. So, basically, the plant population is decreasing while also increasing.

Can any plants kill you?

yes a lot of plant can kill humans

What is characteristic of plant in the human and animals?

plants is food of humans and animals