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Q: What is in the injection used for euthanasia?
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Is euthanasia an injection?

An injection of a sleeping drug can be a form of euthanasia.

Is Euthanasia the same as lethal injection?


What is the reason of letal injection?

A lethal injection is used to kill someone or something. Euthanasia for animals and execution for people. They use it because it's "humane" ... a non painful way to kill, and it can be if it's done right.

How long does euthanasia injection take to work?

Once the injection has been administered, the effects are fast acting. It can take as few as 5 minutes depending on how much is injected.

Euthanasia is good?

Euthanasia is something that is used when an animal is very ill and its quality of life would be very poor. Euthanasia is a good thing when it is used that way.

Why do they call it Lethal injection and not Euthanasia?

Lethal injection is administered to people on death row. It is a form of punishment usually reserved for murderers. Euthanasia is administered to sick people who are suffering horribly from some incurable disease. It allows them to die perhaps months before they otherwise would; thereby saving them those months of suffering.

How does euthanasia apply to the holocaust?

The euthanasia programme of Nazi Germany (called T-4) was the start of the executions. The T-4 programme would use lethal injection and gas vans that would later be use in the Holocaust.

What is the difference between dying and euthanasia?

Euthanasia is used mainly in animals, and it is a humane way of killing them to stop them suffering.

What is the difference between assisted suicide and euthanasia?

With assisted suicide you have the docotors help, often times a shot. Euthanasia is the same thing, but it is used for older people wh may have breathign problems and ask to be killed. Euthanasia is a nice way of saying assisted suicied.

What tools are used for euthanasia?

i donts know maybe a ruler

Who is the girl saved from euthanasia?

haleigh poutre is the 11 year old now 15 years who recovered from a coma before they used euthanasia on her ~Alora

How could euthanasia be abused?

It may be used for revenge ,profit or hatred.